Bruce Banner- Why I Came Back

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Bruce wrings his hands together, trying to look focused on the screen in front of him, but he keeps looking through it to where you're sitting.

He can't stop staring as you comb through a report Bruce had written up about Loki's scepter, and when you raise your eyes he quickly drops his gaze.

"Hey, Bruce?"

"Yes?" He clutches the pen tightly in fears of being caught, but you smile at him.

"I'm glad you decided to come back," You say happily. "It was quiet without you around. No one knew how to speak nerd with me about all the new tech,"

He laughs. "Yeah, well, I just had to find the right.. motivation to come back,"

"And that was?"

Bruce looks up at you in confusion. "Was what?"

You roll your eyes with a grin. "What was your motivation to come back?"

"Oh," He blinks, not really wanting to say that you're the reason he had back, and tries to think of something else. "well, that's easy. It's science."

"Oh," You murmur, closing the report and standing. "I'm going home early tonight, if you don't mind."

"Wait, (Y/n)," Bruce hops off the lab stool in a rush, following after you and gently places a hand onto your shoulder. "I just-"

You turn and smoothly press your lips to his in nothing more then a 2-second kiss, but for those 2-seconds, Bruce's heart stopped.

"See you around," You say softly, quirking your lips before turning.

Bruce doesn't think as his hand shoots forward and latches onto your wrist, pulling you back closer to hug you tightly.

"I was lying," He murmurs into your neck. "You're the reason I came back, not for science. You're the one I've been missing for all those months and I knew that you'd never feel the same, but now I see that I was wrong and I'm hoping for another chance?"

You're silent until you wrap your arms around his back. "I'd thought you'd never ask,"

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