It Gets Better

405 28 19

|Logan's POV|

As if the first week with Uncle Zach wasn't tough enough, week 2 was hell. My Grandpa Paul called and checked in on me daily. A text would've been fine, but he really wasn't joking. I know my mom, aunts and uncle said my grandfather could be tough. I learned that the hard way. I had only gotten a few spankings from Grandpa Paul. This one? Yeah, he got his point across.

I haven't told my parents what happened. I was tired from training with Uncle Asher and Uncle Zach. See what I mean by hell? I was training for two sports. My cardio I did during my football training helped with running the ropes, but nothing helped with those bumps and I was already sore.

Uncle Zach said I'd be off Friday since we were heading to Jersey for the twins party. He told me I might as well wait to see my parents in person and tell them what happened. Yup, they're going to kill me.

Seeing all my cousins, sisters, and other kids running around, it was a loud house for sure. Uncle Bash had me helping with the games. That night my sisters stayed at their house. I went to the guest house with my parents. Aunt Kylie and Zach were staying here as well. Uncle Ethan and Aunt Murphy went back to their condo and Aunt V and Uncle Asher went with them. My grandparents stayed in the guest suite.

I was laying in one of the rooms when there was a knock on my door. I was half sleep. It was my mom.

"Hey, sweetie," she quietly said.

"Hi, mom."

"You too tired to talk to me and your dad?"

I laid there thinking. Might as well get it over with.

"I'm game to talk."

"Alright, we'll be downstairs."

She gave me another smile before leaving. I got up and went to the bathroom. I got a call from Sam. I texted her I was talking with my parents but I'd call her back when I was done. I found my parents sitting in the living room. They had the TV on. Dad turned it off when he saw me.

"Hey, son."

Hey, dad."

I sat across from them and took a deep breath.

"What's on your mind?" my mom quizzed.

I took a deep breath. I thought back of the conversation I had with my Grandpa Paul. He called me on my shit. He was right, I did give my parents a hard time. They didn't deserve that.

"I uh, I want to apologize," I said.

"What are you apologizing for?" my dad questioned.

"For everything. When I was at Uncle Zach's, there was an incident. Grandpa Paul got involved. I just... I've been a jerk and disrespectful to you guys. You only want to give me the best and push me to be my best. I've uh... I've taken advantage of your kindness. I can't say I won't ever mess up again, but I'll try my best not to."

My mom smiled, touching my hand. My dad, he didn't seem convinced.

"What was the incident?" he asked.

My mom looked over at him.


He waved her off and glared at me. Yeah, getting him to see I'm actually trying to change was going to be harder than I thought.

"I uh, I snuck out of Uncle Zach and Aunt Kylie's house."

My mom shook her head. My dad continued to glare at me, his eyes just darkening.


"You were told no and knew why you were told no. You just had to do your usual bullshit of whatever the hell you wanted to do."

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