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"I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination." -Jimmy Dean


Chapter 91

|Two Months Later|

I chuckled as Ryland slammed his elbow down on my suitcase, again. His face was as red as a tomato, as this was his fourth time attempting it.

"Next time," he huffed with relief as it clicked shut. "You're getting a bigger suitcase, I'll make sure of it myself."

I laughed, picking it up by the handles, and placing it next to me. "I agree." I saw Ryland's expression soften not even a second later.

With a smile, he spread his arms for me. I embraced him with a heartfelt sigh. His arms tightened around me before I heard him say, "I'm going to miss kicking your ass in Call of Duty, kid."

I sniffled against him. "You wish." A tearful laugh fell from me as I pulled back. "But, I'm going to miss you, too."

We both turned at the knock of my door. Teresa and my father stood right on the threshold, both equally saddened, but doing their best to try and hide it.

I offered a smile, stepping toward them until we were together. Either one embraced me, and I returned it with the same love before I felt Ryland join from behind. I laughed as the three of them squeezed me.

Once the embrace became too tight, I pulled back. "I'm going to miss all of you, but please don't smother me before I have a chance to make it to the airport."

My dad released a raspy laugh, his hands falling from my arms before they lifted, softly padding my cheeks.

Pride blossomed in his eyes. "I'm so proud of you, Kimberly. We all are."

I smiled, leaning into his palm. When we pulled away, that same love remained in his expression. "Thank you, dad."

I reached for my suitcase, but he insisted on taking care of it himself. I didn't argue since this would be the last time I saw him in months. The very thought made the knots in my stomach twist with fear.

I said a quick goodbye to Pyper, even though she would be with me in a couple of weeks. Ryland agreed to watch after her for me until I was settled in, plus I didn't want to stress her out on the plane. I would miss her in the meantime, but she was in good hands until then.

"Now," Dad begun as we walked to the car. Ryland and Teresa followed close behind us. "Make sure you call me once you land, and as soon you get to your apartment. Ryland's been teaching me about video calls, so do one of those as soon as you're able. And—"

As soon as we were at the top of the driveway, I turned, grasping his hands in mine. "Dad, I know. I'm going to be fine, I swear. I promise I'll call you, and I promise to tell you about my class schedule and everything else. I'm going to be fine, okay?" I offered a smile of reassurance, though it did waver for a moment. I was more afraid than I let on, but the curiosity and excitement beat that.

His expression held the same amount of skepticism, but he nodded through it, kissing my cheek one last time. I thought I saw his eyes glint before he stepped away, and Teresa took his place.

I smiled at her. "Take care of them for me, will you?"

A laugh followed from her, glancing back to the both of them. "I swear I'll try my hardest."

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