3's a crowd.

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They say when you fall in love with someone you know it almost immediately.

I however did not.

Living next door to Max Mayfield and her asshole brother Billy Hargrove was something else, to keep it short. The screaming I would hear every night and not the happy screams, these were awful and loud enough that it would make me uncomfortable, I couldn't imagine what was going on over there. But the times I was outside and able to see some of the fight I could see Billy's bruises and Max's tears, it was an awful sight and no one ever stepped in to help them. My parents never yelled and screamed like that, hell they also weren't around much to even know what was going on in mine..or my brother's lives..

I had called the cops on them a couple times but nothing ever came of it, I think Neil pushed it off as them messing around or something although there was a few times where the cops did take someone out in handcuffs but it wasn't Neil, it was Billy

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I had called the cops on them a couple times but nothing ever came of it, I think Neil pushed it off as them messing around or something although there was a few times where the cops did take someone out in handcuffs but it wasn't Neil, it was Billy.

I was a loner, I was the nerd who didn't have any friends and who mainly stayed to myself. I didn't want friends I was okay with being alone, I didn't want to pretend to be someone I wasn't just for people to like me.

On the other side of my house was pretty boy Steve Harrington, and his perfect family. His parents were Relators and they were gone most weekends, which meant Steve's famous parties almost every weekend. Steve invited me to a few but I always turned them down.

My brother Eddie, who always called himself the older one, which wasn't true

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My brother Eddie, who always called himself the older one, which wasn't true. We were twins and he was barley 2 minutes older, but he and Steve used to be best friends when we were younger but something happened which made him hate Steve. No matter what I said or did Eddie would never tell me why. Living between these 2 was like living between 2 angry horny women who had to make everything a competition.

Billy and Steve never really paid too much attention to the house living between them, or to me for that matter until this year. Eddie graduated last year, and I was held back because I failed math, stupid right? But luckily I was graduating early and so were they. Without Eddie being there and being my person to talk to I wasn't looking forward to this year, but I was looking forward to after graduation and getting out of this god damn town.

But that's not the story I want to tell you, that story is for another day, this one?

This one is how I fell for Billy Hargrove..and Steve Harrington..at the same time.

Stupid right? You're probably thinking you can't fall in love with 2 people at once, but lemme stop you there and just let you read what happened.

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