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This isn't how I imagined having Eddie home would be, and this isn't how I imagined the night before he gets engaged would go. One thing was certain, neither one of us knew how to communicate with each other when things go south, I made Billy tell him we were staying out for the night and I chose to ignore anything and anyone else. I felt bad for Steve he put himself out there today only to be shit on by my brother, there was other ways to talk about what happened but Eddie chose to go the opposite way then any of the reasonable choices.

I knew I had to talk to him before everything went down tomorrow night but honestly I didn't want to think about anything. I wanted to run but this time I brought Billy with me, which was a lot nicer then being alone. He grabbed the room service and brought it back inside our room as I got up and decided to start a bath, it was cold and when I was younger the only thing that would warm me up was a really hot bath, but this time I added bubbles. As I came out of the bathroom Billy was getting all of the food set up making sure they had gotten everything right.

"Did you want to wait to eat since you're pouring a bath?"
"Or we could eat in the tub?"
"Yeah, if you want to get in there with me?"
"You don't have to ask me twice."

He walked over and kissed my forehead as he walked into the bathroom. There were robes hanging up behind the door both of us missed when we first walked around the room, it was nice to know I had the option of that to sleep in if i didn't want to sleep with nothing on. We both got undressed and climbed in the tub neither one of us realized we had forgotten the food.

"Holy shit Dani how hot did you make it?!""As hot as it would go? You can't handle the heat or something?""It's hot as shit!""And I thought you were a man" I started laughing as he grabbed bubbles from in between us and blew them at me

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"Holy shit Dani how hot did you make it?!"
"As hot as it would go? You can't handle the heat or something?"
"It's hot as shit!"
"And I thought you were a man" I started laughing as he grabbed bubbles from in between us and blew them at me. I scooted closer to him and started making a bubble beard on his cheeks, surprisingly he let me do it and didn't fight me at all.
"Dani?" He grabbed my hand and stopped me from grabbing anymore.
"You're beautiful"
"Shut up bubble beard"
"Im serious, everything about you is beautiful. You are something special."
"Billy can I ask you something? It's been on my mind since a couple days ago"
"Thanksgiving break is over come Monday, and how are things going to be once we go back to school? You know we're living in this fairy tail world right now."
"I know what you mean, you're asking how things are going to be between us. You're worried things will go back to the way they were before aren't you?"
"Honestly yeah."
"Dani I stopped talking to any other girl who has tried to talk to me. There's no one or no place I'd rather be then right here right now with you. So what you're asking the answer's this, nothing is going to change. You have me, if you want me. I can't handle the in between anymore I want you to be my girlfriend."

I sat there and stared back at him, my mind was going crazy he said it, he said the word "girlfriend". It was one thing when I lied to the cop and told him that I was his girlfriend so I could get in the house and get them out of there, but to actually hear that Billy wanted a relationship, with an actual title was..well it was something else. I continued to stare at him as the bubbles started disappearing off his chin and as he pulled me in closer putting his arms around me.

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