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When I pulled up out front of the house Billy's car was in his driveway and I could see the lights on inside his house, along with some of my lights. I parked outside the garage and turned my car off and headed inside, Max was laying on the couch watching tv with left overs from thanksgiving on the coffee table I smiled at her and headed up to my bedroom. I knew I had to deal with all the messages on my phone, I just didn't want to I knew they were from Steve, I tossed my phone on the bed and took my shirt off and walked over to my dresser to grab a tank top.

"Damn" a male voice said as I was leaned over.

I jumped and turned around covering my chest with my shirt fearing it was someone who had broken in. But it was Steve sitting on the bench in front of my window.

"What the fuck?!" I whispered as I quickly ran over and checked if Max had heard me before closing and locking my door

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"What the fuck?!" I whispered as I quickly ran over and checked if Max had heard me before closing and locking my door. I turned around and he was laughing "what are you doing here?!"
"You went to the bathroom 6 hours ago Dani what the hell?"
"So you break into my house?"
"I didn't break in, your fault for not locking the window. And besides I was worried something happened to you, why didn't you answer any of my messages?"
"Because I have a boyfriend Steve, a boyfriend that will literally crush you if he catches you here, so you need to leave." I grabbed my tank top from my dresser and walked into the bathroom to put it on where he couldn't see me.
"Billy doesn't scare me Dani."
"Really? Because he's coming over here any minute"

I watched his face drop he looked out the window quickly before looking back at me "so?"
"Steve go home, please."

He stood up and walked over to me "we both know you don't want me to, what happened earlier?"
"I had an emergency I had to go."
"What was so important?"
"Someone needed my help"
"I needed your help with something" he grabbed my hand and put it on his chest and slowly slid it farther and father down his chest, then stomach...then to his waist...then his belt. Once he got there I moved my hand away quickly and crossed them over my chest so he couldn't try again. "What's wrong Dani?"
"You need to go home now Steve"

I heard someone knock on my door "shit" I whispered and looked at Steve "hide". I unlocked my door and saw it was Max standing there, Steve was on the other side of the door my hand covering his mouth.

"Have you heard anything from Billy? I thought he'd be here by now.."
"I'll call him right after I take a shower if he isn't here by then okay? He said he had to make sure your mom was okay before he came over, I'm sure he's probably making sure she's eaten and taken her medication. Don't worry"
"Okay are you coming downstairs when you're done your shower?"
"Yeah I will be right down, you made me want some of the thanksgiving leftovers"

She disappeared back down the stairs as I closed and locked the door, looking over at Steve who still had my hand over his mouth.

"Go home Harrington that was too close"

He put his hand on top of mine, kissing my palm before moving it "I like it when you take charge like that"
"I'm not kidding anymore. I will tell him you're here if you don't leave."
"You wouldn't."

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