Beer and weed.

17 2 0

We laid there in silence, the only sound was the radio playing in my room. I closed my eyes at some point, falling asleep for god only knows how long, I guess I needed sleep more than I realized. I rolled over onto my stomach, Steve was asleep on the floor next to me still on his back he looked peaceful. I stood up and grabbed my phone to see if Billy had said anything.

-let me know when you want to talk.

That was it, nothing more. As I went to close lay back down on the floor I heard the Camaro start up. I ran down the steps and watched him back out of the driveway and disappear down the road, he looked good, too good.

Something was up.

I went back upstairs and attempted to lay back down but it started eating me that he was already possibly moving on. He looked too good to just be going to the store or something, there's no way, besides I knew his reputation to say the least. I wanted to say something to him, I wanted to know what he was doing but I didn't want to look like that girl.

The longer I laid there the more it started to take a toll on me, so I grabbed the weed out of my dresser and opened my window climbing down the ladder to get to the backyard. But as I went to sit down I decided not to and walked over to Steve's and sat by the pool, I knew once he smelled what I was smoking he would appear.

"You okay?" A voice behind me said, I could hear bottles clinking.
"Yeah I'm fine, want a hit?"

He walked over next to me and sat down handing me a beer, it was cold but I didn't let it bother me.

"Thanks" I smiled as he popped the top off and took the blunt from my hand, inhaling it before handing it back.
"You're a horrible liar by the way" he said coughing and laughing.
"I'm not lying, I'm fine"
"Dani, you have the same lying face as your brother."

I gave him a dirty look which only fueled his laughter.

"I know you heard his car leave" I grabbed the blunt back from him not making eye contact.
"Yeah, I did."
"He was dressed up, too nice to just be going out."
"Did you text him?"
"He texted me" I pulled my phone out of my pocket and let him read the message.
"You didn't say anything back?"
"Steve what do I even say to that? And the fact that he's probably already out with another girl. I don't think there's anything else I need to say to him, he showed me what this was."
"But he might not have known you saw him."
"He revved the engine do stupid shit like that to get people's attention."
"Yeah you're right, but it is Billy and he lives to piss people off so him doing that is nothing new."

I rolled my eyes taking a sip of my beer it honestly tasted more like water, we both sat there in silence just watching the water move from the wind.

"If you chose to work it out with him I'll still be here for you, so don't think I won't."
"Thank you but I don't think there's going to be any working it out anymore."
"Either way, I'm here."
"Thank you Harrington. You know I talked to my brother about everything that happened."
"Yeah? Is he coming home to kick Billy's ass?"
"No" I laughed and laid on the concrete looking up at the stars "he just opened my eyes to a lot."
"Oh no that doesn't sound good."
"It's good I promise, I needed to hear it otherwise I would've been at Billy's feet groveling by now. I forgot who I was, I was so happy someone liked me that I lost myself in the middle of that."
"Dani people like you, hell I've liked you forever." He laid down next to me but didn't look my way "I know this is a shitty time to admit it, but it's true. You already knew I had feelings for you this year because I finally got the courage to show it, but I've always had a thing for you, hell Dani I think I'm in love with you."

I felt my heart drop into my ass. The only other man that's ever told me he loved me was Johnathan, and that didn't end well. But here Steve fucking Harrington is laying next to me telling me he's been in love with me for god knows how long, I knew I had to say something back but I was speechless.

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