Billy's thoughts.

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It was 2:18 am when I woke up with the worst headache I have had in a while. I opened my eyes and looked around the first thing I saw was the bright ass lights from the tree, I was in the living room but had no idea how I had gotten here. I looked up and saw I was in Billy's lap and he was slouched over asleep I could barley see his face with all the curls that had fallen around it. I sat up and saw he had left me medication and water I smiled and grabbed it trying to take it as quickly as I could so the pounding feeling in my head would go away. I tried to get up without waking him but it was no use, the moment I got the Tylenol down he was moving around. I closed my eyes as I sipped the water the longer my eyes were open the more they started to hurt.

"What time is it?" He found his way over to my shoulder and kissed it.
"It's 2:18 in the morning don't talk so loud. And why is everything so bright" I kept my eyes closed as I sipped trying to keep myself from getting sick but the nausea kept coming in waves.
"I can turn everything off if you want or we can move to your bed"
"Second one"
"Can you walk yourself or do I need to carry you again? Max isn't here she's with her friend until Thursday."
I opened one eye and looked at him as he chuckled "I can do it myself I'm an independent woman"
"Whatever you think princess. Come on let's go." He stood up and waited for me to do the same, I handed him my water and then slowly stood up as the world started spinning.
"You okay?"
"This is why I like weed better, no hangover and none of this world spinning crap."
"You need sleep"
"I need to not ever do this again."
"Something you and I agree on. Wasn't a good idea, but we'll talk more tomorrow about it, I think you're still kinda buzzed."

I didn't want to admit it, but he was right I was still drunk not nearly as bad but it was still noticeable.

He grabbed my hand and slowly led me upstairs and into the bed, as I sat down he pulled the covers back and then put them over me "I'll be right back"

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He grabbed my hand and slowly led me upstairs and into the bed, as I sat down he pulled the covers back and then put them over me "I'll be right back". When he came back he had my small bathroom trash can with a new bag in it ready to go "just in case" he whispered as he kissed my forehead walking back to the bathroom leaving the light on, before walking back to the end table and turning off the light.

"I'll leave the bathroom light on so you can see but it isn't all in your face. If you feel like you're gonna get sick wake me up"
"Why are you being so nice to me?"
"One, you take care of me all the time, and two part of the reason you did this was because of me. And three, I care about you.. So yeah. There's no where else I'd rather be." He climbed into bed next to me and got under the covers, his warm body quickly heated up the bed, all I could think about was having sex with him but I knew if I even attempted to move from this spot he would know how many shots I had earlier. I'm sure I smelled horribly between the smell of the bar, the whiskey and beer, and me sweating I was sure Billy was either breathing through his mouth or trying to hold his breath whenever he got close there was no way he found this attractive.
"Thank you" I whispered as I stared at the bathroom door looking at all the details before I closed my eyes and fell back asleep for a little while longer.

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