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We had to go back to school tomorrow, the biggest thing I was dreading. I didn't know how Billy would act, or Steve. After we had sex and I fell asleep I had forgotten to set an alarm for school, which meant all 3 of us are now late for school.

I opened my eyes and everything was the same as it was last night, I had no clothes on and Billy was snoring next to me. I reached over for my phone and read the time 7:57 am, it's okay I still have time I thought to myself before looking at the date.

"Billy! We're late!"

I jumped out of bed and ran over to my dresser and looked for something to wear, as Billy slowly started waking up. I yelled for Max and continued to shove my legs in my jeans, my feet kept getting stuck in the damn holes on my knees. Billy was sitting at the end of the bed watching me struggle while attempting to fix his hair.

"I'm getting this shit chopped off after school." He stood up and stretched as I put my bra on and tank top, once he saw my shirt his face changed "great I have to deal with wondering eyes all day now."
"Chill Billy, it's okay"
"Here" he handed me his leather jacket "at least this will hide some of it, and show everyone that you're fucking mine." I rolled my eyes and put it on walking over to get my shoes, Billy quickly got dressed realizing he didn't have a shirt, but luckily I had some of his clothes here. He picked out a shirt and threw it on along with his boots before opening the door and looking for Max, she was ready and sitting on the couch thankfully.

"I'm driving." He grabbed his keys out of his pocket and turned in my direction, I wanted to drive myself.
"Because you're my girlfriend, duh. You're not going to show up to school alone." He looked over at Max "here go start the car and wait for us, I need to talk to Dani."

She shot me a look but disappeared outside not saying anything, she knew how Billy was in the mornings, grumpy.

He walked over to me and fixed the collar on my jacket "are you ready for today?"
"Not really, we're late"
"It's okay, you're with me now no one will mess with you."
"Yeah..." I tried my best to hide the concern in my voice but by the look on his face it was clear I was failing.
"Nothing, let's go."
"No" he grabbed my wrist "what's going on"
"We're gonna be late Billy"
"I could give 2 fucks if we even go Dani, tell me what's going on"
I took a deep breath and sighed "I'm worried about how things are going to be now that we're back in school, around...-"
"Other girls, and people right?"
"Before you were my girlfriend you mean?"
"You're my girlfriend Dani. You have nothing to worry about, I'm not gonna flirt with some chick, I'm not going to pretend you don't exist. You're my girl Dani, that's all that matters. You've gotta trust me."

He walked over and kissed the top of my head "let's go get today over with so I can take you out tonight. I still owe you a date" I smiled and grabbed his hand as we headed out the door and into his car, Max looked relived when she saw us holding hands. I got inside and luckily Max had the heat full blast, I turned on the radio and cranked it as Billy backed out of the driveway. As we pulled in I looked over and Steve's car was in his normal spot, Billy pulled into my spot instead of his normal one. He turned off the car and got out so Max could run to class, and he lit a cigarette I looked at him confused.

 He turned off the car and got out so Max could run to class, and he lit a cigarette I looked at him confused

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