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I knew the more time we weren't at my house the better, that way Steve wouldn't show up and things would go south. I knew Billy didn't want to be anywhere around Neil so staying out wasn't the worst thing. We stayed at the park until the street lights came on and the weather had gotten so cold that we could see our breath.

"You ready to head back to your house?"
"Yeah I guess. Are you staying again tonight?"
"Im not sure yet, I need to see how Max is" he pulled out his phone and dialed a number and walked away from me but making sure he left me with the keys so I could warm up the car, it was a good thing he did because I had lost all feeling in my fingers from holding the metal chains on the swings. I got up and walked over to the car and climbed inside cranking the heat as high as it could go, placing my hands in front of the vents. I watched Billy talking on the phone walking around he looked irritated I figured it was because either Neil or Susan answered and not Max.

He turned and looked at me as he put his phone back in his pocket and headed to the car. He climbed inside and looked at what I was doing "your hands cold?"
"Yeah the metal chains were freezing." He smiled and took my hands in his and began blowing on them.
"Hey Dani?"
"Would you consider this as a first date?"
I hadn't thought about it in that way, but looking at everything we did today I think it would've been. I shook my head "yeah I think so"
"Good, so does that mean we're off for Friday?" He still had ahold of my hands and looked up at me.
"That's up to you"
"It's up to you too, and I would like to still go out Friday if you want to?"
"Second date damn"

He smiled and let go of my hands placing them back in front of the vents before shifting the car into reverse and backing out of the parking spot "ready to head back?"
"I guess"
"I'm gonna go home tonight I think..I don't want you getting tired of me so quickly."
I laughed and put my hand on his knee "don't think that's possible, but remember you can always come over if things get bad, my windows open or you can call me and I'll let you in."
He smiled and grabbed my hand "thank you" I used my other hand to turn up the radio getting our karaoke concert back on track.

We sang all the way home. He pulled into his driveway and turned off the car.

"I guess I'll see you at school tomorrow" I said as I grabbed the door handle and opened it.
"Bright and early" he followed me out and locked the car behind us. He stood at his car and watched me walk to my front door before turning and heading to his house. Lord only knows what was awaiting him on the other side of that door.

Once I got inside I took my jacket off and tossed it on the recliner and headed upstairs to my room. I took my shoes off and grabbed out my pajamas before looking over and seeing the shirt he had worn last night, I smiled and folded it before placing it on my dresser. I had a feeling he would be back tonight but I wasn't sure so I wanted it ready just in case. After I got dressed I slid in under my blankets and turned off my light before pulling my phone out to see if he had messaged me. There wasn't a message from him but there was one from Steve.

-hey just making sure you're okay, haven't heard from you since this morning in class, and then you weren't home all day. I hope you aren't avoiding me.

I took a deep breath and tried to figure out what I was going to say, Steve was surprisingly nice to me which I still hadn't figured out why and I felt bad for ignoring him.

-hey Steve, sorry I've been MIA today, I had a lot going on. I'm not avoiding you I promise. 

He immediately wrote back.

-it's okay, I thought something might have been up that's why I asked. I guess I'll see you tomorrow.
-yeah, I'll be there.
-good. Just wish we could've hung out today.
-I know, I'm sorry.

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