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Everything hit the fan, Steve pushed it too far and now Billy was pissed. I knew this was going to happen and I let it, I wasn't sure why Steve came over in the first place, maybe it was really to be the concerned neighbor..or maybe he got caught trying to see me or something. Billy disappeared into my room without saying anything else slamming the door behind him, in that moment I wanted to escape.

This was all too much.

I knew it was going to backfire but I didn't think it would be so quickly, wait..who am I kidding? Their fucking neighbors it's crazy that it took this long. I looked around the kitchen and found a bottle of Dads whiskey that he had hidden away and put it by my jacket. I grabbed jeans out of the dryer and quickly threw them on before getting my jacket on and leaving the house. As I got into my car I looked back at my house and then climbed inside, I was doing what my parents were good at..running. I didn't know where I'd go but I knew I had to get out of there, now.

As I backed out and began driving around I started crying, maybe I was just as broken as my parents were, maybe I was no better

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As I backed out and began driving around I started crying, maybe I was just as broken as my parents were, maybe I was no better. Living in a household where it was conflict day after day I grew used to it and got to the point to where I would leave in the middle of the night to avoid it, or I would hide in Eddie's room even after he left. My parents ran from any type of loving relationship and now I was continuing that trait and running from conflict all over again. The heat in my car took forever to work so most of the ride I was freezing, I didn't have music on I just listened to the bottle of whiskey rolling around on the floor hitting empty water bottles with every turn I made.

I pulled up to the record store and got out, quickly running inside. They had just opened since it was now barley 10 am and no one else was in the parking lot besides Thomas.

"Hey Dani where have you been?"
"Sorry Thomas, life's been crazy. Any new records?"
"Tons, go have a look. Hope life gets easier for you."

I smiled and walked back to where the records were, he was right there were at least 20 more records then there was the last time I was here

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I smiled and walked back to where the records were, he was right there were at least 20 more records then there was the last time I was here. As I looked through the feeling of wanting to run started again, and I couldn't shake it. I put the record I was looking at back down and walked out the door without saying anything else to Thomas, I swore I heard him say something but it didn't sound like words over the heartbeat in my ears. I got back in my car and started driving again, this time I could hear something vibrating.. it was my phone. I pulled it from my jacket pocket and threw it on the ground with the whiskey bottle and turned on the music to drown out the sounds.

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