Halloween party

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I turned around to see Billy standing there in a black leather jacket, no shirt, jeans, gloves that only covered the top of his hands and a cigarette in his mouth. He looked amazing it was hard to focus on anything else but his chest.

"Hey Billy" I said as I tried to snap myself out of the obvious drooling I was doing

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"Hey Billy" I said as I tried to snap myself out of the obvious drooling I was doing. I think the booze was starting to hit.

"I didn't even recognize you. You look amazing, let me guess Wednesday Adams?"
"You look really good. So you decided to go to the party after all?"
"Yeah I did, I didn't have anything else better to do. How's everything at home? It was quiet this morning it seemed."
"Yeah it was, but I avoided Neil as best I could. And if you don't want to go to the party we can always hang out or something?"

I looked over at Steve's house the amount of people that had gotten there by the time I was done putting on lipstick was alarming, the whole driveway was full. I looked back at Billy who I think picked up on the anxiety I was feeling.

"Hey do you want to smoke a cigarette?"
"Do you have anything stronger?" I laughed as I walked over and took the cigarette out of his mouth and inhaled.
"Wait don't you and Steve hate each other why are you going?"
"I always go to Steve's parties just to piss him off. It's fun, he never does anything to get me to leave either. He's a pussy."
I laughed "okay, well maybe I'll go for a little bit. I've already taken a shot and had a drink."
"Wait you've been over there already?"

I shook my head and he looked irritated. "You fucking him?"
"What the hell Billy? No I'm not he asked for my help and I helped him because that's what friends do. What the hell is wrong with you?"
"Whatever Dani." He took the cigarette back and walked off towards the party without saying another word.

I stood there and watched him go around back until I didn't see him anymore, I took a deep breath and walked back to the house. When I got inside the house was filled with people and I didn't see Steve anywhere, so I made my way to the kitchen and made myself another drink before trying to make my way outside. When I finally got out back I walked over to the pool and sat down on the side, it was freezing but I didn't care. Guys kept staring at me but I tried my best to avoid eye contact with anyone.

I looked around and heard people yelling "chug, chug, chug!" With someone else counting from 10. I didn't bother going over and seeing what was going on instead I took my heels off and put my feet in the water. The water was freezing but it felt good after having my feet in those heels for so long. As I looked around and drank more of my drink I knew this isn't where I belonged.

I came, I saw, now I'm uncomfortable so I want to leave

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I came, I saw, now I'm uncomfortable so I want to leave.

I grabbed my heels and started heading towards the door to go back into the house. Once I got inside I saw Steve talking to Nancy Wheeler, Billy and some random jocks come walking over to him talking about some stupid shit that he was the new king, not Steve. But once Steve saw me he didn't say anything back to Billy he just walked away. I headed towards the steps and went up to Steve's room to grab my clothes as I did I heard someone come up behind me "don't tell me you're leaving already" I turned around and saw Steve standing there.

 I headed towards the steps and went up to Steve's room to grab my clothes as I did I heard someone come up behind me "don't tell me you're leaving already" I turned around and saw Steve standing there

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"Yeah I am, thank you for making me do this, I needed it." I walked over and kissed him on the cheek before heading back out and down the steps. I didn't look back to see if he had followed me or if Billy had seen. Billy ruined my night by what he had said, and I just wanted the night to be over..

Some Halloween.

I got back over to my house and decided to sit on the back porch for a while, it was dark and I knew no one could see me. I continued to watch everyone drink and have a good time but I was glad I was home and in my own space. I pulled out the braids and let my hair down, It started to get chilly but I didn't mind it. I put my feet up on the table and looked up at the stars.

"Hey" a voice said. I couldn't tell where it was coming from so I didn't answer, it then repeated itself until I did.
"Who's there?" As they walked closer to me I could see it was Billy. I rolled my eyes "what do you want Billy."
"Just making sure you're okay."
"Why wouldn't I be okay?"
"Well you left the party, I figured something had to be up." He walked over and sat across from me.
"Just wasn't feeling it."
"Oh, okay. Did you hear I'm the new king?"
"Yup, good for you."
"Yeah I beat Steve's record for longest chug."
"What's wrong?"
"Bro you assumed I was fucking Harrington tonight and got pissed when I told you I wasn't which was the truth."

He laughed but before he could answer I cut him off "and I know how much you all hate each other and I know about your stupid ass competition about trying to get with every girl in high school or town or whatever the fuck it is, but please you and Steve both need to count me out."

"Yeah, not as dumb as these other chicks."
"You're right. That's why I like you."
"You don't know me Billy, so how the hell could you like me..I'm the exact opposite of everything you go for. I don't have whore stamped across my forehead."
"What? It's the truth. I'm not your type Billy, so whatever game you're playing I'm not interested." I lit a cigarette.
"You don't have to be such a bitch"
"Guess that's what I am. Now leave me alone."

He got up and walked away, I wasn't sure where he went. Part of me felt awful for how I had handled that but the other part of me was proud. I knew what those two were like and the fact that all they wanted was to fuck. I didn't want that I didn't care about that.

I continued to sit out there until it hit midnight and it had gotten so cold that I couldn't' take it any longer. I grabbed my heels and went inside. I walked into the bathroom and cleaned my face off before walking into my room and getting dressed for bed. There were people still at Steve's and I assumed Billy was still one of them. I climbed into bed and closed my eyes and then my phone vibrated. I looked at the number, it wasn't one that I had saved.

-hey, I'm sorry about tonight please let me make it up to you.
-who is this?
-it's billy. Im sorry about what I said, I was drinking and I'm not thinking.
-oh okay, and no thanks I'm good. Happy Halloween have a good night.

He didn't message me back, I knew he was pissed that I turned him down. I decided to stay home tomorrow so I wouldn't have to see either one of them at school.

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