The Ride.

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When I woke up "Super Freaky" was playing on the radio, Steve was mid chorus and wasn't holding back, it was clear he thought I was still asleep. His hand was still in mine but his body was rocking the whole car, if there was a moment I could freeze in time this would be one of them watching the joy on his face he looked like he didn't have a care in the world.

I watched him until the song was over, until he realized that I was awake.

"Hey there sleepy head, I didn't wake you did I?" he smiled that goofy smile of his.

I yawned and began to stretch "No you're good I need to wake up anyway, how much longer?"

"Uhhh." he looked over at the phone that had the directions "about 20 minutes from the venue shouldn't be that long though, we've barley hit any traffic."

"That's good."

"Are you ready to see Eddie?"

I thought about what he said before remembering that I had told Eddie I wanted in the band. I said it after a fight, I was heated and wasn't thinking straight but I also hadn't had the balls to tell Steve about it yet. And I knew that would be the first thing out of Eddie's mouth when we saw each other again, I had to tell Steve now or it was going to make this trip awkward.

"Yeah, but Steve..I need to tell you something before you see Eddie."

He looked over at me, I could see the color drain from his face "What is it? Is it bad?"

"Uhh.." I looked away from him refusing to make eye contact.

"Dani what did you do?"

I took a pause before I explained everything "Remember when everything happened with Billy? Well, before that Eddie offered me a spot in the band..and at first I had flat out told him no, that I didn't want to always be in his shadow. But when everything happened, I was so angry that I-"

"You told him you wanted in and to give you 3 months after graduation to figure everything out, he told me."

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you Steve."

"Do you still want to do it?"

"Honestly, I'm not so sure. I said it out of anger I just wanted to get as far away from him as I could but now-"

"Dani, take me out of the equation if I wasn't here or available would you still take it?"

We looked at each other for a few minutes, he kept glancing at the road ahead I didn't know what to say a part of me wanted to take it, to be with my brother side by side every night playing songs and drinking. But the other part of me knew I would always be in Eddie's shadow that way, something I had fought so hard to get out of did I really want to go right back to where I started?

"I think I made a mistake, as nice as it would be being back with my brother every night I don't think I could go back to being "Eddie Munson's little sister" again, I'm not that girl anymore. I need to find out what I want to do, without him."

"There's the Dani I know." he gave me a soft smile before he raised our hands kissing the top of mine before refocusing on the road.

We reached the venue right before they were due to go on stage, the opening act was already playing, it was some small town band that I'd never heard of before. We got out of the car, Steve tossed my backstage pass to me as we ran inside looking for the door with Eddie's stupid little star on it. It was a gift I had made for him when he first started, but it had somehow become his good luck charm...there was one night he didn't put it on the door of his "dressing room" as he liked to call it and the people booed at him, ever since that night if that star isn't up he won't play..hell he won't even come out of the bus.

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