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Right then and there I felt like I was going to puke, nothing anyone could say or do would help the situation. I felt like my insides were turned inside out and everything I had eaten was going to come back up, in Steve's mother's car. We found Billy's car, and my gut told me not to look into anything else. I knew what he was doing, he was seeing someone else, as we pulled up to the hotel parking lot there was the blue Camaro sitting in the same spot it was when him and I stayed there. We had gone to every other place on my list and Steve's but here he was. Steve had offered to go inside and see if he was in the room alone or not but I was against it, I didn't want to cause a scene.

In that moment I just wanted my brother.

"I'm gonna kill him." Steve kept mumbling over and over, I didn't say anything I just stared blankly at his car. I tried to think of every possibility that he wasn't cheating, but nothing was calming my nerves. I pulled out my phone and texted Billy.

-hey, we don't have to talk. It's clear how you felt, I'm sorry and I doubt a talk will change your mind. I hope you have a good life, I'll never forget you.

"What did you do?" I looked over and saw Steve staring at me, so I handed him the phone. "Dani why?"
"Because Steve, I'm graduating right after Christmas break, I'm done with the drama. It's clear Billy isn't, I have to move on with my life."
"Do you wanna leave?"
"Yeah give me a minute then we can go." I opened the window to try and get some air, I was trying my hardest not to cry but a tear slipped out. This isn't how I wanted things to go, I still cared about Billy hell apart of me might have loved him but I still knew going into this the kind of person he was, regardless of everything he had told me. This was the true Billy. I closed my eyes and tried to relax as Steve cracked his window before squeezing my hand "it'll be okay I promise." I shook my head before I heard him shift into drive and we began to pull out, I looked one more time at the car before closing my eyes again.

The drive home felt longer then when I had taken it with Billy, it was also silent. Steve didn't know what to say, and honestly neither did I. Right as I was falling asleep I felt my phone vibrate, I knew immediately it was Billy. But instead of opening it, I messaged Eddie.

-you still want someone for the band, I'm in. Gimme 3 weeks to get everything together.

I decided not to tell Steve, if he was in contact with Eddie I knew he would be the one to tell him. I knew I liked Steve but for right now we couldn't be anything more than friends, I was dealing with too much and I didn't want to prove Billy right.

"You okay over there?"
"Yeah I will be. I just wish Eddie was here."
"Me too. He's better at this type of shit then me, I don't know what to say."
"He's always been that way. Thank god for that, cuz I'm the same way you are...not good with upset people"

We both laughed as we pulled into his driveway, I didn't bother looking over at Billy's house.

"Did you want to stay here? You're more than welcome to."
"Na, I'm gonna go home."
"Okay I'll talk to you in the morning?"

I walked over and hugged him goodbye, he held me for a while it felt good and honestly I didn't want him to let me go. Once I got over to my house I looked around, the tree was there and everything Billy had bought it was killing me to look at it. In a fit of rage I knocked over the tree, broke the ornaments we had gotten, and just about broken every other decoration. The whole house was a disaster, you could barely walk to the kitchen, or the steps. I walked through the mess, the sound of glass replaced the steps my shoes made as I headed up the steps and into my room.

Standing in here reminded me of Billy too. I went to destroy my bed but as I walked closer I looked out the window and saw Steve's light on, it somehow calmed me down. I pulled out my phone and dialed his number.

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