When one finds out about the other.

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I walked up into my bedroom and grabbed my phone off the end table, I hadn't touched it all day and until now I didn't even think about it. I scrolled through my notifications until I saw Steve's name.

-this might be weird and you can tell me if it is, but I kinda miss you. Weird I'm sure right?

I smiled and continued scrolling. Another message came in..it was from a number I didn't have saved.

-so are you and billy a thing now? Because if you are you should know he was with me the other night.

I didn't know who this person was, and I didn't want to find out. My stomach was in my ass at this point and I couldn't relax no matter what I did. Maybe whoever this was had seen us at the store and messaged Billy about it. Or maybe he had found out I was talking to Steve, either way I wasn't sure I wanted to know who and what this person wanted. The longer I stared at the message the more I felt like I was going to throw up until a tap on my window scared the absolute shit out of me.

I looked up and saw Steve staring back at me looking concerned. I waved hi as he pulled the window up and climbed inside.

"Hey are you okay? You're like ghost white"
"Uh yeah, I'm okay just got a weird message that's all."
"What kind of message?"
"It's nothing.."

He gave me a look, I could tell he could see right through me.

"Do you want to tell me or should I leave it be?"
"For now, leave it be. Everything's okay just know that much."
"Okay, you can tell me whenever you want."
"Wait, Steve how did you know I was here?"

He looked away and then back at me rubbing his neck, now it was his turn to go pale. There was no denying it, he had seen me with Billy.

"I uh.."
"Steve..you know who the other guy is don't you.."
"Yeah I do now. That's why I came over here to talk to you."
"You texted him didn't you."
"Yeah I did, I only said we need to catch up, I swear I won't say anything about you and me I just wanted to see how serious he is about you that's all."
"You only texted him once?"
"Yeah why"

I handed him my phone so he could read the message from the unknown number. He didn't say anything he pulled his phone out and dialed the number.

"I know who messaged you that."
"You do?"
"Yeah it was Billy's last girlfriend, well girl thing. They were never official and when he started seeing another chick she lost her mind. It was messy, like really messy and she still tries to mess with him. She's psycho."
"Who is it?"
"Heather. They work together in the summer as lifeguards at the community pool..she graduated last year with Eddie I'm surprised she's still even interested in him.. I wonder how she found out about you and him I only found out from walking to your house and seeing you pull up and get out of his car."
"I didn't want you to find out like this I was going to talk to you about it."
"Dani this doesn't change my mind about you. I'm still interested..I hope you are too, and we can always keep this a secret if you want. That is until you realize you're in love with me and you don't want the muscle head..we'll just have to be a lot more carful then you and Billy."

I laughed and he came and sat down next to me "I don't want to force you to be with me, but you deserve to know more about Billy."


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