The bubble popped

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I'm an idiot right? Trust me, I know.

But it all started with an invitation to Steve's Halloween party. I had turned down so many party invitations from Steve that he just stopped asking for a while. But one Saturday morning I went out to get the mail and he was waiting at my mailbox.

"What do you want Harrington?"
"Well isn't that a nice way to say good morning."
I rolled my eyes as I pushed him out of the way to open the mailbox "it isn't morning, it's after 12. Now what do you want?"
"Well it's morning for me I just got up. But anyway do you want to come to my Halloween party tomorrow night?"
"What do I tell you every time you invite me?"
"Yeah I know, but it's the last one and I invited everyone as like a goodbye senior type thing, and we're both seniors this year. I don't know what's going to happen after this..and it would be nice if you came to just one of my parties." He handed the invitation to me and I looked up at him crossing my arms. "Come on please? Just think about it..I would really like it if you came."
"You know Eddie would be pissed."
"Yeah well I don't see Eddie around, do I? And besides you live right next door you can leave anytime you want..or you don't have to leave at all."
"Steve Harrington are you flirting with me?"

His face got red and he laughed and began trying to play it off but stumbled over his words. I took the invite and smiled at him "I'll think about it." He smiled back and walked back to his house, I didn't understand why he was being so nice to me, and why he suddenly was trying to flirt with me. I had lived here since we were in Elementary school and he never tried to talk to me or anything before this.

I closed the mailbox and walked back into the house and started getting ready for the day

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I closed the mailbox and walked back into the house and started getting ready for the day. Every pair of pants I owned had rips in the knees and black baggy shirts were my friend. It was Saturday which meant record store day, the one day of the week I looked forward to the most. My current obsession was getting records that had any type of guitar solo's and I would attempt to play them without looking at any of the notes on how to play it. I loved the challenge and the failure to success ratio of it.

I walked out to my car and got in throwing my wallet and jacket on the passenger seat before turning the car on. It was cold, so like every morning I had to sit there and let it warm up before I could leave. As I sat there I heard the yelling from next door start I looked down at the radio 12:34 pm is what the clock read.

It's too early for this. I thought to myself as I got out and walked over to the passenger side and leaned against it, I was hoping if Neil saw me he would stop acting a fool because there were witnesses. The front door came swinging open as Billy came flying down the steps as Neil came running after him. I don't know what possessed me to open my mouth but I did.

"HEY!" I yelled and both Billy and Neil stopped. Billy looked at me confused but almost grateful and Neil looked like he just shit his pants.

All of a sudden his tone changed "hello there can I help you?" I knew he was trying to butter me up so I wouldn't tell anyone what I heard. I pulled my phone out of my pocket "Mr. Hargrove I need to talk to you." Billy just stared at me as I began to walk over to the front door of their house. I had never talked to anyone from that house, until today.

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