Eddie and Steve.

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When I woke up the next morning Steve was still snoring next to me,drool was running down the right side of his mouth. I picked up my phone to see if Billy had messaged me after I said goodnight to him last night.

-goodnight Dani sorry I was so quiet after the game, as usual I was late getting Max. Don't worry Neil and I didn't get into it, Max and I came up with an excuse that he believed. I came home and passed out after that, hopefully I can see you today. 6:32 am.
-good morning how'd you sleep? 8:39 am.

I looked over at Steve and then back at my phone, I knew they both wanted to hang out today and I wasn't sure how I was going to be 2 places at once.

-good morning, it's okay I wasn't sure what happened I was hoping you and Neil didn't get into it. But thank god you didn't! I'm glad you got some sleep, what do you have in mind? 9:09 am.

I put my phone back on the end table and covered back up and closed my eyes. I didn't fall back asleep I laid there trying to figure out how I could get out of hanging with one of them without the other getting weird and thinking something was up. Steve then snorted as loud as he could which made me jump, no matter what I said I think I was fucked there was no way I could just hang out with one without the other thinking Im doing something for multiple reasons, the main one being that we all lived a few feet from each other. I opened my eyes as I saw my phone light up I grabbed it and opened the message.

-anything you want. I have to run Max to the arcade at some point today though, whenever she wakes up. 9:22 am.
-okay I have errands to run today too, I need to go get a new record to learn and I have to clean the house before Eddie gets here. 9:23 am.
-oh yeah I almost forgot about him coming. When is he supposed to get into town? 9:24 am
-Tuesday but I wanted everything done before hand, so I don't wait til the last minute like always. I know they won't care but since I'm living in the house he's paying for I think it should at least look nice. 9:25 am
-wait, they?
-yeah Eddie and Chrissy are coming.
-chrissy who? Chrissy Cunningham?
-you knew her?
-yeah you could say that..okay well let me know if you want to hang out. Max just woke up so I'll talk to you later.

I didn't text him back, but the fact that he knew Chrissy kind of felt off to me. I know we all went to high school together but he knew her first and last name..there was something more there. Before I could message him back Steve rolled over and grabbed my hand and kissed it.

"Good morning"
I smiled lightly back at him and put my phone back on the end table "good morning"
He propped himself up on his shoulder and looked me up and down "is everything okay?"
"Yeah why wouldn't it be?"
"You seem off..was this too much too soon?"
"No Steve" I laughed and put my hand on his shoulder "it wasn't too much too soon, I promise. Everything's okay."
"Okay just checking. What do you wanna do today?"

As much as I wanted to know how Billy and Chrissy were connected I think I had made my choice of where I was staying today, with Steve. He was drama free at least so far, Billy was becoming more of a hassle, and now that I knew he knew Chrissy there was no way he was coming to thanksgiving.

"I don't care, I have to go to the record store later and get a new record though. Master of puppets I mastered too fast. I didn't beat Eddie's record but I still beat the timeline I thought it would take me."
"Well we can go after breakfast if you want?"

I got up and looked outside the window, it was a rainy cold day. For it being 9 something in the morning it still looked like it was night time.

"Honestly it's gross out there, I'm in no rush."
"The only time I'm happy it's raining. Climb back in bed I'll make breakfast and we can eat it up here, you can turn the radio on if you want."
"Na, I think I'll come down and help you..if that's okay."
"That's more than okay." He got up and headed downstairs I looked around outside one more time before I headed downstairs after him.

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