The week before christmas.

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Things were quiet for a while in the Hargrove house hold it seemed, unless Billy was hiding it from me. But then again, Max would've spilled the beans the second she got a chance to be alone with me, but when those moments happened she didn't say anything. Maybe it was Christmas coming, or maybe it was what Neil needed to wake him up and realize what he did to Susan wasn't okay.

We all can dream though right?

It was a week before Christmas, and Billy and I had spent the day together everything was normal. He had been staying over 3 times a week, he told me he didn't want to be over every night that way I still had my own space, obviously I tried to fight it but I lost that battle. The window in my bedroom was always unlocked just in case, which hadn't needed to be used...

Until tonight.

After midnight I heard my window crack open, I was still up laying in the darkness strumming on my guitar with my eyes closed.

"Hello?" I opened my eyes but didn't bother sitting up, there were only 2 people that knew I kept that window unlocked, Billy and Steve but there was no reply. I gave it a minute and repeated myself, but again no reply the window kept opening though. I gripped my guitar tightly and slowly sat up, in case it wasn't my guys and it was someone who was trying to break into my house I had something to at least beat the person off with. I rolled off my bed with my guitar in hand as quietly as I could, making sure whoever was coming in my window hadn't heard. As the window fully opened and the person climbed inside I picked my guitar up and held it like a baseball bat, waiting for the confrontation that was about to ensue, the person was now fully in my bedroom.

"Last chance" I said loud and low enough, that maybe whoever it was would think I was older than I really was. The person took a step towards me and I swung the guitar out of fear, but missed whoever it was ducked and was able to get behind me. I quickly turned around and tried to swing again, this time I made contact with their chest, or stomach, there was a loud "UGH" before the person reached for something and the lights turned on. As my eyes adjusted to the light I could finally see who was looking back at me, halfway kneeling over holding their stomach.

"Jesus Dani what the hell?!"
"Why didn't you answer me and tell me it was you?!"
"God damn you know how to hit someone. And because I was trying to be quiet, Harrington was outback I didn't want to deal with him."

He stood up and as I looked closer at him, I could see there was evidence of a bloody nose he had tired to clean up, poorly. I could feel the anger bellowing from inside it was clear everything was right back to the way things were before he was arrested, nothing had changed and this was proof nothing would ever. Billy went to take a step towards me, but I stepped back still holding the guitar.

"What's wrong?"
"Tell me why I shouldn't go beat the fuck out of him with my guitar. Right. Now."
"Your face Billy...he hit you didn't he?"

He stopped looking at me I watched his eyes go down to the ground and his face drop, I already knew what the answer was. I took a step towards him gripping my guitar tightly, trying to get around him but he stopped me.

"Move Billy. Now."
"No" his voice changed, it was stern now but I didn't care.

I was sick of Neil and his shit, how long had he been doing this? I didn't care, I was fed up I was done. If this didn't stop now there would be no way he wouldn't kill either Susan or Billy, he would be stupid to touch Max, both Susan and Billy would go after him.

I took another step but he blocked me "either you move or I call the cops."
"No" he looked up at me, tears were in his eyes.
"How long"
"How fucking long has he been hitting you?"

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