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I woke up the next morning, the light from the window was shining in my eyes I didn't know what time it was but I really didn't care. Last night felt like a dream, but not in a good way. I had no idea if anything else was going to happen, honestly I knew Billy's fight was just beginning I never thought this is how I'd be spending my relationship with him, but it was worth it. Billy had a voice outside of his home, it wasn't a good one but now he was finally standing up for himself inside his own home. I felt like I closed my eyes for a second, then opened them again and it was morning.

It was 9:43 am.

School was already in session, but none of us were going today, I knew Billy didn't have the patience and Max was too upset. I wondered if Steve ended up going, I grabbed my phone and looked for a message from him, and there was.

-hey hoping you guys are all okay, I ended up going to class. I can grab you any homework you missed, and if you wanna get out you can always come to my house. Hope you got some rest, talk to you later.

He was sweet, almost too sweet. He was always there for me, even though I was dating someone else I don't think I could be the same way if he was dating someone and I wanted him, I'd be jealous. It was also weird how much Steve was on my mind, how much I worried about him and how much I'd look for him if he wasn't in school or home.

-hey steve, yeah we stayed home...I don't think I slept at all last night. Thank you for grabbing work for me! How was class?
-honestly not the same without you, turns out I only like that class because of you! Who knew?
-haha I think everyone knew that one! You're too sweet Steve really.
-only for you, can we hang out soon?
-once everything quiets down?
-can't wait.

I got up, I was starving but I was exhausted Billy was asleep and didn't even flinch when I got out of bed. I'm just going to grab something quick so I can go back to bed before he notices I'm gone. I walked down the steps as quietly as I could making sure I avoided the creaks that I knew all too well from sneaking food in the middle of the night. As I got down to the kitchen I stared at the cabinets looking for something but the longer I stood there my stomach began to turn, I was starting to stress out. I searched around the living room for my cigarettes finding them underneath one of the pillows on the couch, the room was spinning I felt like I was going to pass out.

I ran out the back door trying to get the lighter to light but my hands wouldn't stop shaking long enough. I tried to take a deep breath, but I couldn't get enough air in my lungs. I sat down on the ground and put my head between my knees and tried to focus on my breathing, ignoring everything else around me.

But it didn't work.

I wanted to scream, scream for someone to help me, for someone to save me. But there was no words, I couldn't get enough air to say anything I just sat there my eyes burned, so did my lungs.

"Dani?!" I heard a voice yell before I felt the warmth of their hands on my body before I went numb. I couldn't see who it was, they tried to shake me but it was no use, I was too far into my panic attack. The tears started as they grabbed my face and tried to talk to me, but I couldn't understand what they were saying. They pulled me into their body and started to rock me, the motions helped calm my shakes but didn't stop the tears. As my heart rate slowed down I could hear them talk.

It was Steve.

I looked up at him and saw his hair in his eyes, but I could see the concern on his face it was something I hadn't seen before. He kept saying my name over and over telling me he's here and to breath that it's okay, he was warm I could hear his heart beating. Our eyes locked as the tears continued to come out of my eyes and roll down my cheeks, Steve did his best to wipe every one away.

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