Rip the band-aid off.

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The sun was beaming in my face when I woke up the next morning. There was no way I slept through the night, I tossed and turned and couldn't get what had happened out of my head. I think Billy was the same way too, he was moaning and groaning in his sleep and couldn't get comfortable. But he did this thing where he would almost jump and then reach out and try to find me almost panicking if he couldn't, I didn't know what all that was about. When I rolled over I saw that the other side of my bed where he had been, was now empty I sat up and looked around but there was no sign of him. I got up and threw a sweatshirt on and shorts since I had taken almost everything off last night because Billy is like sleeping next to a sauna, and headed downstairs. I looked around for him down there, but he was still no where to be found.

I walked out back and there he was..with Steve Harrington.


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Fuck. I really wish that I had slept longer now.

Steve looked me up and down looking at what I was wearing before looking back at Billy and he made it very obvious that he was looking at my body. Billy threw his cigarette down and stomped on it before he looked over his shoulder at me, he didn't need to turn around when he saw Steve was looking at something I'm sure he already knew it was me there.

"Hey Dani" Steve smiled making Billy give me a weird look.
"How do you know Dani?"
I interrupted "he invited me to his Halloween party remember? I saw you there too Billy, I think everyone in town went. And he was friends with my brother"
"Oh yeah that's right"

I walked over and grabbed a cigarette from Billy's jacket along with the lighter and lit it as they both watched me not saying a word. "Did I interrupt something?" I blew the smoke out of my mouth and looked at one and then the other it was all I had to keep it together and not blow my own cover, Steve knew about him but Billy didn't.

"No you didn't" Billy quickly answered me, he seemed irritated but I was trying my best to ignore it. I was hoping Steve didn't blow our cover and say anything like the big mouth that he is. But by the way Billy was acting it seemed like he did.

"Yeah you didn't. I was just making sure he was okay after everything that happened last night. I saw the cop cars, but you're a really good friend for letting him stay here"

Annnd there it was, that was the dig Steve decided to go with, I knew he wasn't going to just sit back and not be petty in anyway he could. He was still Steve Harrington after all. I didn't say anything back I just smiled and inhaled the cigarette again, I waited for Billy to say something back to him.

Billy looked down at me flicking another cigarette "Yeah I told him I wasn't sure how long we were going to be staying with you for though. Susan's in rough shape the hospital isn't sure how long it'll be, and Max still isn't comfortable going back there yet. So we're spending thanksgiving with her and her brother."

Steve's smile dropped on that one, I knew this was about to get out of hand the more they talked to each other. He was pissed, and Billy looked happy with himself, there was no way he didn't see that Steve had a thing or whatever it was for me, Billy was becoming almost territorial over me but Steve wasn't going down without a fight.

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