I can't do this.

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I stopped walking and turned around, he pulled behind my car and jumped out faster than I'd ever seen him move, I wasn't even entirely sure if he had turned off his car.

"Why are you here?"
"Because I'm not done working things out."
"Billy you were on a date."
"I couldn't stop thinking about you the whole time, I thought I could just go back to my old ways but I can't get you out of my head. We need to talk"
"I don't think there's anything left to say Billy. You don't trust me, and you went out on a date with someone else, if you say you can't stop thinking about me you wouldn't have gone out with someone else literally hours after we had a fight, you would've came to me and figured us out."
"I know my actions were shitty but-"

I cut him off, I didn't want to hear what pity party he had to say, his actions showed me all that I needed to know.

"Billy, there's nothing left to say, you said you can't trust me but now it's me that can't trust you. We weren't even broken up officially and you were already out with someone else, if I did the same to you I doubt you'd ever let me live it down, hell look at what happened with Steve."
"I know I'm-"
"Sorry, I gotcha."

I went to walk again, but this time he grabbed my hand.

"One ride, please"
"One ride, let me talk. If you want to go home I'll take you home and leave you alone forever, please?"

I looked over at Steve's house before looking back at Billy.

"One ride."
"Thank you"

He walked over and opened the door for me, then ran over to his side once I was inside. He backed out of my driveway as fast as he had pulled into it, I couldn't help but feel gross sitting in this seat. I started to wonder if the date he had sat in this seat too, and what they could've done in the car.

"Dani" He was looking my way but I chose to ignore it and continue looking ahead.
"Get out of your head"
"I'm not in my head."

He went silent, he was trying to keep the peace I guess. I felt my phone vibrate I knew it was Steve, but I left it alone, I continued to look out the window trying to keep my mind clear but nothing was working. I was irritated and upset all at once, I was slowly loosing it. Billy was listening to the same station we always listened to, he was tapping along to the song lightly on the steering wheel it felt like old times. I just wish something so small wouldn't have spiraled into what we're dealing with now. He pulled into the park where I had first found him drunk and parked right under the street light, he didn't turn off the car.

He shifted his body so we were looking at each other "Dani can you look at me?"
"Do you have a cigarette?"
He pulled one out of his jacket and handed it to me along with a lighter, I messed with it for a second before getting it to light and inhaling a small amount, then looking at him.
"I don't want to lose you"
"Your actions said otherwise Billy. How can I trust you?"
"Nothing happened"
"How does it feel?"
"What do you mean?"
"The roles are reversed right now. I told you nothing happened between Steve and I, and what did you say? You didn't trust me. Now here you are saying you went on a date with another girl, but nothing happened, tell me Billy how do I believe that?"
"You're right."
"No shit. Worst part is, I wasn't on a date with Steve I was having a panic attack, you actually went out with someone else." I inhaled another small amount and looked out the windshield "did you have her in here"
"Did you have her in here, in my seat?"
"No I didn't I swear to you. No one else belongs there but you."
"Hard to believe that since you went out with someone so quick after our fight.."

He leaned back in the seat and scratched the back of his neck "I know, I really fucked this one up huh?"
"Yeah, you did."
"I'm sorry."
"Will you ever take me back?"

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