Helping Harrington.

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The next morning I woke up waiting to hear yelling and arguing, but it was silent. I got up and looked out the window when I got downstairs and all the vehicles were at the house but there was no fighting.

Maybe my threat worked..

I walked back over to the kitchen and made myself a smoothie and popped a bagel into the toaster before grabbing my phone off the charger.

No missed calls.

Eddie never called back last night..I wasn't surprised. Big time big brother doesn't have time for his loser little sister anymore. I'm just baggage..even if we are twins. I'm clearly the loser one.

The toaster popped scaring me as I put my phone in my pajama pocket. I put cream cheese on my bagel and sat down on the couch and started eating. I flicked through the channels but there wasn't anything good on, by the time I got through all the channels and started over I was done eating.

I walked back upstairs to get dressed but was scared half to death when I saw Steve staring back at me. "Jesus Harrington use the god damn door!"

 "Jesus Harrington use the god damn door!"

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he laughed "sorry. It's just you coming tonight or what?"
"I was until you decided to do some breaking and entering in my fucking room again."
"You're coming?!"
"Yup, completely looking over the fact that I just said you broke into my house."
"Yeah yeah yeah. But for real you're coming?"
"Yes now leave!"

He hesitated and I picked up on it "do you need something else Harrington?"
"I was uh wondering if you wanted to hang out?"
"Don't you have a party to get ready for?"
"Yeah but-"
"Think that's a little bit more important, especially since you bugged me until I agreed to come."
"I can get ready for that later, we can hang out now."

I sighed and sat down on my bed "Steve you're really nice but you don't know me, and I don't know you. I don't know what your play here is but I'm just trying to get through this year and figure out my next move. You're popular, you have a lot going for you, I'm not someone you want to be friends with."
He looked at me confused "Dani, I've lived next to you for half if not more of our lives. I know you better then you think I do. We might not have talked besides a friendly "hello how are you" every once in a while but I pay attention, I know you."
"Yeah okay."

He took a deep breath "I know you love your guitar more than anything in this entire world, I know that because your brother gave it to you. I know you don't like to read the music notes for a song you want to learn, instead you learn by hearing it and feeling it. I listen to you play every night, it's what I look forward to. I know you purposefully stay away from others because you fear they will leave you like your parents did. You miss your brother because he was the only person you had that gave a shit about you. And I know that you like fall, you like rock music, your favorite color is green, you hate this town, you look forward to days where you can get a new record..and you're amazing at the guitar. I've lived next to you for this long, I know you Dani."

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