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We talked until it was dark outside and the rain had started again. I loved it when it rained at night, but night time only because it helped me sleep better. Once Billy had realized that it was night time his whole mood changed and he became quiet.

"Is Neil going to be mad you haven't come back yet?"
"Oh yeah, he's probably 2 sheets to the wind right now and just waiting for me to walk through that door."
"Then don't."
"Don't? Don't what?"
"Then don't go home, not tonight. I have 2 extra rooms you can stay in tonight. Don't go back there if you know he's drunk and he's going to go off. And I can always go get Max if you're worried about her."

He looked at me confused but didn't fight me too bad on staying here, luckily Max was at a friend's house for the night so there wasn't a real reason Billy needed to go back to the house. I grabbed his damp clothes and threw them in the wash for him so he would have them for school tomorrow.

"Why are you being so nice to me?" He said as I came back in the room from starting his laundry.

"Why are you being so nice to me?" He said as I came back in the room from starting his laundry

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I took a deep breath "no one should feel the way your own father makes you feel. Regardless of how you treat me, or anyone else I know in my heart I'm doing everything I can to help you and make sure you're safe even if it's just for the night." I gave him a soft smile and he returned it.

"Are you going to school tomorrow?"
"Yeah, I have to, otherwise I'll hear it from my brother. I wouldn't put it past him to call someone or even call the school to make sure I go."
He laughed "I remember your brother, but I remember him as the kid who didn't care about grades or anything school related"
"Yeah that's Eddie, he wants me to be the opposition of him and actually graduate this year..on time."
"Well that's a good thing, at least he's looking out for you."

He could tell the tone in my voice had changed when I answered him so abruptly but he didn't try to dig for what was going on. "Alright I still have some more questions" he patted the spot next to him on the bed, I walked over and sat down next to him.

"Okay, your turn then. Go ahead"
"What's your favorite ice cream?"
"It used to be mint chocolate chip, but now I'm really into peanut butter cup."

He sat back waiting for me to ask him one.

"What's your favorite season?"
"Definitely summer, best time to go surfing." He smiled.
"Alright I have a hard one..you don't have to answer it if you don't want to, or if it's too much"
"Bring it on Hargrove"

He smiled and exhaled "we have been neighbors for years, why haven't you ever talked to me?"
He nodded and waited for my answer.
"Honestly, my go to answer would be the fact that you're an asshole, but now that I know the truth I'm kind of bummed that I didn't get to know you sooner. For years I was under the impression that you were this huge asshole and whore, and your reputation at school doesn't help you at all."
"Yeah, I know. But I don't bother with trying to fix it or change people's views on me. I can't make everyone happy so why try? Honestly Dani you're the first person I've been able to tell all this stuff to."
"I know what you mean, it's easier to keep your mouth shut and let people think what they want then to prove to someone that really doesn't give 2 shits about who you are. I'm just sorry I missed out on getting to know you sooner.."
"Well we have that chance now right?"
"We'll see Hargrove"

He smiled and reached for my hand, I let him grab mine. It was warm and rough, it was obvious he chewed his nails with how short they were. The top of his hand was covered in scars and something that looked like a cigarette burn.

"I have one more"
"I thought it was my turn?"
"It is, but I want to steal it just this time"
"Go out on a date with me. Friday night"

Billy Hargrove just asked me out. What the hell was the world coming to? Steve Harrington hitting on me and now Billy Hargrove asking me out? I think I fell and bumped my head or something.

"Earth to Dani are you in there?" He said waving his hand up and down in front of my face. "I know you don't do dates and stuff but make an exception for me? We don't have to do anything big if you don't want to, we can just go to the drive in or something..or the movies or even take out."

"Yeah" I smiled and he squeezed my hand. It was hard to think logically when his eyes were looking back into mine.

The rest of the night we sat there talking more telling each other anything the other wanted to know, it was way more than 20 questions. I tried not to freak out about the date on Friday but I could feel the anxiety starting.

For Billy being this bad boy dude his life seemed to show otherwise. From what he told me, he loved baseball, was damn good at basketball, loved his car more than anything and anyone, his mom left when he was 7 after Neil beat her so bad that she was unrecognizable, his dad blamed him for their divorce, the necklace around his neck is Saint Christopher and he wears it because it was the last gift his mom ever gave him before she stopped coming around, he's been to California and would love to move there someday, he loves rock music, can't dance, his favorite color is blue, he works as a lifeguard during the summers to pay for his car and to just get away from the house, he's scared of thunderstorms, and his favorite food is anything greasy. He told me he had seen me around the neighborhood but never knew I lived next door to him until 2 years ago, he said the reason he acts the way he does is so he doesn't get beat on first, which made no sense to me.

I glanced over at the clock on my wall it read 12:49 am. "Billy its after midnight we have school tomorrow."
"Shit you're right."
We both laughed "I can't believe we've talked this long."
"Shit I can't believe I talked to someone this long, I hate talking."
"I know you do, well now I know."
"Couple more then we have to go to bed"

It wasn't a couple more, it was a couple hours more

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It wasn't a couple more, it was a couple hours more. The more questions we asked the farther down on the bed we got until we were both laying side by side staring at the ceiling asking questions. I'm pretty sure he fell asleep before I did, for the most part he was the one asking me stuff but then suddenly the room was quiet all you could hear was the sound of the rain bouncing off the open window.

I walked over and closed it, as I did I saw Steve's light was still on in his room. "Weird" I thought to myself as I latched the lock and looked back over at Billy who was now lightly snoring in my bed. I pulled the blanket from my chair and covered him up with it before laying down beside him again. I reached over him to turn off the light, as I did he pulled me into him and covered me with the blanket.. he smelled so good. I closed my eyes and passed out.

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