Cigarettes and feelings.

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"Hi" I whispered back at him before backing out of the door and allowing him to come inside. He looked around at the living room and smiled as he handed me a milkshake.

"I got you the same as what we ate for lunch the other day, hope that's okay." He walked over and sat down on the couch and started going through the bags not looking up from them. I stood there watching him trying to understand what happened earlier, instead I pulled out my phone and pulled up the message from the unknown number and sat it down in front of him. He stopped what he was doing and grabbed my phone before leaning back on the couch and looking up at me.

"I already know who it was that messaged me."
"Oh yeah?"
"It was heather, and by the way you acted in the car I'm assuming she messaged you too."
"That's what I wanted to talk to you about. It was her that messaged me."
"What did she say to you?"
"It isn't important"
"Clearly it was because you made me think I had done something wrong. You literally acted like I didn't exist"
"You're right and I'm sorry."

I grabbed my phone from the coffee table and sat down in the recliner not saying anything else. I didn't know how I felt about the situation and honestly I wasn't a fan of him even being here right now. I decided to message Steve in case he decided to try to come back over.

-hey :) i didn't know if you had plans to come back over, but he just showed up.

As I went to look back at him my phone buzzed.

-I saw him as I was on my way out. He didn't look happy, if you need help call me, or text me. I can't wait until Eddie and I get this situation back to the way things used to be so I can finally have you all to myself.

I decided not to answer him, I didn't want Billy thinking anything was up with me. He was still sitting on the couch eating in silence, but I couldn't take it anymore.

"So are we gonna talk about it or just sit here staring at the wall?"
"Talk about what Dani"
"Heather. Were you really with her the other night? I'm not angry or upset I just need to know if you're still seeing other people."
He put his burger down "come here please" I got up and walked over to the couch and sat down next to him but didn't look at him. He turned my whole body so I didn't have a choice.
Before he could speak I decided to have word vomit all over him "listen if you're still seeing other people that's okay, but I just feel like I deserved a hey this is what's going on, not a text message from some chick. I mean I don't care but you know?"
"Dani, shut up. I mean that in the nicest way possible. But you have got to stop talking and let me explain."
"Heather is a girl I used to mess around with, she was never my girlfriend although try telling her that. When I started talking to someone else she flipped out and keyed the girl's car. Whenever she catches wind that I am talking to someone she goes insane, even though I haven't talked to her in months. I don't know how you figured out it was her, but that's definitely her number. Which means she probably saw us at Walmart, but you don't have to worry about anyone finding out she graduated with your brother last year, clearly she's still in town. But as for dating other people, yeah I still date around but nothing like this. You're the only person I've hooked up with since I met you." He put his hand on my thigh and squeezed it before handing me a fry. I had a feeling he was still talking to other girls but to hear him say it made my stomach turn, I thought I wasn't into him as much as I clearly was. Maybe all this was too much for me to handle. I didn't say anything back I was too far into the over thinking of what I was even doing anymore.

I stood up and grabbed my cigarettes "I'll be back, I need to smoke." That was all I could get out. I walked out back and sat down on the cold grass and leaned against the house closing my eyes as I inhaled. I felt my phone go off in my pocket.

-are you okay? I was going to come out but if you need space I can let you be.

I took another inhale and started texting him back.

Find someone else to take you homeWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt