Always cut short.

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As awkward as everything was with Steve being here and him staring me down whenever Billy wasn't looking, it was nice having everyone here. Billy was in his head about everything with Susan and Neil..and how he was going to tell Max what her mother had planned, and Eddie and Chrissy were talking about visiting more which made me happy, until they brought up the whole job thing. I hadn't said anything to anyone about it, honestly I had forgotten Billy looked pissed and Steve looked proud.

Steve smiled "I've heard her playing almost everyday for the past 2 years, she's always got her window open. Honestly I didn't know it was her playing I thought it was whatever music she was listening to just without the words."
"I just wish I would've known she was so good earlier I would've taken her with us sooner!"
I rolled my eyes "Eddie, you're jumping the gun. I haven't even accepted the job offer."
"But you will, you can't say no to big brother"
"You've got to stop with that big brother shit, you're minutes older that's it."
"Still means something, but I know you Dani you're a mini me. There's no way you'd want to do anything else"
"Touring doesn't sound like something I'd be into, yeah I want out of this town just as much as everyone else, but I don't like the different city every other day. It's too much."

Eddie's face dropped when I said that, I knew it upset him but I had to speak up

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Eddie's face dropped when I said that, I knew it upset him but I had to speak up. I was tired of doing whatever everyone else wanted me to do, I just wanted to do what I wanted..whatever that was..Billy sat there quietly not saying a word he kept his hand on my knee squeezing it every few minutes letting me know he was still alive. I think everyone started feeling the tension growing so Chrissy took Max upstairs to start planning Max's room out, once they were out of sight Eddie's eyes came back to mine.

"If that's not what you wanna do I'm not gonna push it, but what plans do you have?"
"Honestly, I'm not sure. I love playing the guitar and it helps me relax, the main reason I started playing was to find a connection to you, something we could do together..but you left and that all changed. I started playing the songs you liked to try and beat your time learning them, without sheet music trying to make it into a competition, it wasn't for fun anymore. Once I realized that, I only play now when my heart needs it, music to me isn't just for enjoyment it's healing. I don't think it would feel like that to me if it was a job, I mean maybe my mind will change but for right now I don't think the band is the right fit for me. I'm sorry Eddie."

It was Billy and Steve weren't in the room anymore, it was just us. I was finally honest with Eddie and I knew it was going to hurt him, but I needed him to see me as more than just his "little" sister.

"Do you remember why I started playing?"

"Do you remember why I started playing?""No?"

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