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After what seemed like ages. Bela stepped back from Magnus. Looking even more sickly, and pale than she did before. Walking on noticeably unsteady legs, she snuggled into her vampire's chest. Magnus turned his attention towards Caspian, Holland, Max, Aspen and Hannah. pointedly, not at the blubbering mess of a man on the forest floor. "I am found humbled Max, I was arrogant to approach your lands as I did without an invitation. I had been misinformed and acted rashly when I should have been more considerate." Max wasn't sure exactly how to respond to that and said nothing. Glad that Magnus had spoken loud enough that the wolves of his pack trying to creep nearer would have surely heard it. Would listen to Max as he tried to call for everyone to stand down. 

Magnus turned to Holland, "I was wrong to offer healing and aid to Carson on only his word when he called, if you would like to return him to his previous condition before I cast sentence, it is your right Holland Chisholm." Magnus used a booming voice, like he was a king and this clearing was his court.

Holland let it known that he just wanted Carson dead. Magnus nodded. "So it shall be." Finally turning his attention to Carson. "For lying and attempting to manipulate me, you are sentenced to return to the condition I found you." Without a breath of hesitation, Brock's fist smashed into Carson's back. Sending the man sprawling on his face to the ground with a newly broken and shattered back. Far more damaged this time. Same shocked and surprised expression. 

Brock knelt down and had quickly broken two fingers while Carson squealed before Brock paused. Asking "How many fingers was it?" He called out as he carried out the first sentence.

"Let's just break six, for now." Magnus said with such nonchalance as he waved his hand dismissing Brock to just get it done. Brock quickly finished his task. Carson screaming the entire time as Magnus continued to pass judgement. "For abuses against a sacred Forest Fae, an eye is demanded as payment." Hannah made the mistake of watching as Brock did as instructed , and plucked out one of Carson's eyeballs with deft quick movements of his hands. The long optic nerve trail dangling in front of the freshly empty socket. Hannah nearly threw up, just barely by the thinnest margin holding herself together.

Magnus ignored Carson as he wailed, blubbered, and begged, trying to say anything that would make Magnus stop. Magnus did not stop. Aspen came and held Hannah's hand. Neither wanting to see anything else. Magnus had already kept going. "For abusing my daughter in law, your other eye as atonement." Hannah knew better than to watch this time. Carson wasn't screaming anymore. He was a blubbering, snivelling incoherent mess on the ground.

Magnus still wasn't finished. "Finally for conspiracy in Darkness, death. Unfortunately for you, Carson Jones, you were healed with vampire blood. Bela and Dale will ensure your final mortal days are as painful as possible until the risk of your being sired has passed. No part of your corruption is going to be allowed to cross the divide to touch eternity. You will die small, and nothing Carson Jones." 

A pause, only for dramatic effect, before Magnus continued his oration. "Three days from now, the sentence will be completed. Your heart will be plucked from your chest and cast into flames lit by dragon fire. Your brain will be cast into a volcano and your body teleported to the deepest trench of the ocean to feed the lowest of the low. never to be heard from again." Magnus inflected his head to Bela and Dale. Brock picked up the broken mess that was left of Carson and slung him over his shoulder like a sack of fertiliser.

Summoned once again, Ella appeared. Going pale as she saw the ruined but still alive man she was tasked to transport. She hated when Magnus used her like this, she had brought that man here practically no time ago. Now she felt dirty and used. Facilitating violence was not in her agreement. She had grievances building with her employment of late. Still, a demon of her word, especially when bound by contract she did her job.  In a flash, the succubus, rock Fae, witch, vampire and Carson were gone.

Leaving Magnus, Caspian's sister Celestia still as dragon, Caspian, Holland, Max, Aspen and Hannah alone. No one on Hannah's side feeling easy after that display. Caspian went to his father, standing tall and proud against his father. The man he had only ever wanted to make proud. Things were different now. 

Switching from king to father. Speaking like a normal person again, Magnus reached out to his son. He had regrets about his actions of late. "Join me again son. Unite our family as we are always meant to be." As though Magnus hadn't been the one to sever the link in the first place. 

Caspian shook his head. "I am loyal to my own flock father. Be not my enemy, instead let us forge forward together on a new path." Caspian had finally joined the game of politics, Magnus had stirred him to want to stand against his father in more than just personally rebellious ways. 

Celestia huffed, her dragon trumpeted. Feeling betrayed that Caspian wouldn't submit to their father. Jealous that Caspian was taking a chance to be free. Caspian felt his father and sister link to communicate in private. Before the large dragon bowed her head once, cracking open her wings and taking flight into the sky. Caspian couldn't be sure, but he didn't think his sister was going to be going home either. 

"A wise leader puts his flock's needs ahead of anything else. Lead in strength son." Magnus paused, as though he was considering his words. Unable to decide what to say next. Magnus was losing his edge, even the life of a dragon was finite.

Caspian, knowing his father was too proud to ever apologise, interjected. Taking control of the conversation and how this meeting was going to end. "We will come visit soon father. I just need time to ensure we are settled before I make any new plans." So reasonable and logical a request along with the promise of continued relations. Magnus had no choice but to accept or risk losing any kind of relationship with his son. Magnus nodded, to cover his awkwardness and inability to apologise. Shifting into his own dragon, Magnus took off. Leaving Max's pack unharmed, and none of Caspian's own no worse for wear. The wolves of the pack had obeyed their Beta. Some got closer than they should have. 

Considering this had technically been an invasion by two fully grown, mature dragons. No injuries to anyone aside from one very bad man was nearly cause for celebration. If the entire pack hadn't already been excited to have some good news to latch onto by meeting the Beta's new mate at dinner tonight, all the excitement of this encounter would make this the biggest scandal in at least a century for the pack. 

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