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Caspian was deeply aware of the stakes right now. There was tension in the air Hannah wasn't aware of. He didn't want her to know how many were prejudiced against her because she was human and mated to Max. Hannah was smiling, and being so polite to anyone who approached her. She was amazing, as she managed a particularly sharp old woman, Hannah kept her head held high the entire time. 

Caspian was on edge. The dragon calling out liar too many times for one evening. There weren't that many in the pack who were hiding true deep bigotry, most of these were good people at their core. Caspian felt confident they could help Bryan and Max achieve their goals. Bring new life into the pack. Move it forward.

Hannah was unaware of the turbulent waters swirling around her as she worked the crowd of those who tried to get a word in with Hannah before the bell for dinner rang. At least that is what Caspian assumed. She was unflinchingly polite with everyone. Warm, open, and welcoming. She stayed polite and congenial no matter what anyone said to her, a very polite "What an interesting thing to say out loud" deployed with a sweet voice to the worst veiled insults. Years in close quarter customer service had trained Hannah well for the role she now found herself in.

She had no idea that her poised, polite customer service persona was exactly the right attitude to knock back those who thought a human wouldn't be able to cope with their culture. She had defaulted when she realised she was garnering more attention tonight. Managing the crowd of wolves like a full plane after a delay on the tarmac. No one here was going to say or do anything that wasn't at least on the surface polite with Caspian, Holland and Max there. Wolves were much better behaved than air travellers. Hannah was holding her own in this second subtle battle of wills. Hannah wasn't having fun sifting through people as far too many gathered around the table. Holland had a few trying to approach him, and Caspian was doing something that made people avoid him and Aspen.

Hannah knew if she asked, Caspian would do the same for her, or take her away. Hannah found herself expertly trained for this exact scenario of pressure test. A work history that only had face to face customer service jobs. She had spent years now negotiating with drunk entitled assholes until they were back in their seats either willingly or forcefully getting restrained by an air Marshal or a few flight attendants and the largest passenger volunteer to help. 

The delightful feeling of watching a bad passengers day fall completely apart because of their own actions; trapped in their chair for the rest of the flight; then being arrested and escorted in handcuffs off the plane and taken away from the airport. Regardless of where their final destination had been. Had always felt like just delicious just desserts every time she got to see it. Most bad passengers got away with no consequences. Hannah liked when bad behaviour, had real consequences.

 She wasn't going to get any of that satisfaction tonight. It would be impolite to have any fights at dinner. Hannah felt like she had literally worked a black Friday sale power hours period. Her patience running thin as she was saved by the low ringing that signalled it was time to be quiet.The dinner bell rang and the worst of those waiting for Hannah to slip and be rude finally had to return to their own seats. Clearly miffed they did not get their way and a chance to jab at Hannah. Hannah smiled, everyone had to take their seats and be quiet after the bell. So Bryan could speak the evening prayer.

Hannah did not like the prayer time. Neither did Aspen. Holland did not like, but wasn't bothered. Traditions were traditions, didn't need to mean much Holland thought. Max didn't even see it for what it was. It was just tradition. Not a call to deities who would have damned Hannah for her mates. Whatever the religion was wolves were following, Hannah didn't like her exposure so far. She was polite, she wasn't stupid. She knew there were unsaid jabs at her expense in some of the comments she had received tonight.

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