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The next morning found Hannah tucked safely between Holland and Caspian. Max and Aspen had stayed at Judy's. The bed felt lonely with only three of them in it. Caspian had perhaps slightly overestimated her stamina the previous evening. He and Holland were both wide awake, watching her snore between them. Caspian was using his time wisely, arranging for supplies for some developments around the hot spring. Even after resting in the hot blissful water, Hannah was too tired to safely fly home on the back of a dragon, they had also travelled too far for him to simply carry her home in his arms.

He had been forced to reach out to Celestia by phone and ask her for a favour. Begging his sister to help him arrange Ella's service for a taxi job. Thankfully Ella was agreeable to be paid to ferry a worn out mate over a few miles. Hannah slept in Caspian's arms as Ella transported them from the cave, to where Hannah had stood down Magnus. Caspian bound the demon to silence on the location of the cave. Hating to use the ancient magic his family guarded that allowed dominion over demons but not willing to risk his dragon's new lair being compromised either.

Ella was sad, but understood. A dragon's lair was nearly sacred. She would have kept Caspian's secret on her own. Caspian was good, his dragon wise. Her feelings were hurt, but she understood, with the bind nothing could compel the location from her lips. Not so long as Caspian lived. She wasn't going to hold this one unkindness against him. He was doing what he had to do just like she always did.

One quick teleport and a little feed on the sexual energy still pouring from Caspian and his little fire spirited mate. Ella's job was done and she had more human money in the bank. She could feel his bind, like a bracelet that was too tight against her skin, as all binds are. The feeling would soon fade as she grew accustomed to it. Ella returned to Magnus's compound just in time to receive a knock and a summons at her door. Magnus had a new job for her.

Caspian had carried Hannah all the way home from the clearing Ella had dropped them off in. Her little snores into his chest were better than any song or music. With a smile on his face and spring in his step, Caspian strode through the pack house, up to their room. Tucking Hannah into the bed with Holland as he slept alone. Caspian locked the door, brushed his teeth and joined the two in bed. Holland had already wrapped himself around Hannah, her head on his chest. He looked more relaxed in sleep now that Hannah was in the bed with him. Caspian closed his eyes and quickly joined the two of them in a very, peaceful sleep.

Caspian had in fact stayed in bed with Hannah and Holland longer than he had intended. So content he was to just watch her sleep. He really should check on Judy and Aspen. Ensure there had been no issues over night. One of the rantings in Judy's corrupted mind had been clearly upset over the polyamorous relationship her son was in. Caspian taking Hannah away for alone time could have been triggering.

"I will stay with Hannah until she wakes up." Holland grinned at Caspian over Hannah's still sleeping form. His voice low and rumbly as he tried to let her sleep. He looked at Holland like he was almost proud of how well fucked Hannah had been that she was sleeping in for the first time anyone had seen.

Begrudgingly, Caspian had to acquiesce that he truly should go and ensure there were not any issues with Judy. Aspen did not like phones and Caspian was uncertain if the elf would call if there was a problem. Lightly brushing his lips over Hannah's forehead as she remained soundly asleep. Caspian slipped from the bed without disturbing her. Holland nearly purring as he got Hannah all to himself for a little while.

"Be gentle, Max should get some time alone with her soon." Caspian whispered to Holland as he left the room. Quickly changing into clean clothes after freshening up in the washroom. Heading to Judy's home at a more than brisk walk. Worried that something might have gone wrong while he had been self centered and with Hannah. 


The feeling more than the actual word washed over Caspian from the dragon. Reminding Caspian to slow down his worries. Still moving just was swiftly, Caspian tried to worry less about things that had not yet manifested as real.

The relief he felt as he knocked on Judy's front door, and was swiftly let in by Judy, the smell of fresh baking and flour nearly heavy in the air as she smiled and welcomed him inside. Max and Aspen were at the table, fresh breads, biscuits, pastries overloading the table, even more on cooling racks on the counters.

Max looked at Caspian, he knew that look. He had often worn that look. Max was stressed over his parent's mood. Obsessive baking was certainly a better coping mechanism than the meriting out of torture and punishments that Magnus preferred at least. Hannah was expecting to hear back from the hospital home today, Judy was just as anxious over the results as Hannah was. Caspian looked at Aspen, he appeared well rested, was happily eating a variety of of the baked goods judging by the plate in front of him. Judy handed him a mug of fresh coffee, pointing out the small crockery of cream and pot of sugar on the fully laden table as she returned to something she still had in progress at the stove.

Caspian felt the dragon fully assess Judy and Aspen, nearly wanting to sigh in relief as he declared everything was perfectly fine. Though the relationship between Max and his mother was likely forever altered from what it had been before he had returned home with Hannah.

Finally able to relax again after letting himself worry far too long. Caspian gave into the mood of the home. Spending time eating, breaking bread and talking with Aspen, Max and his mother. Compared to the inter-generational relationships Caspian had been raised in, this was close to idyllic. Judy had stayed true, she bore Caspian no ill will for taking Hannah away last night. Seemed to be working to

Now they just had to wait for the next step. For Hannah to know if her father was mentally capable, or not. Caspian was not gifted with foretelling, not even very good with charmed cards or dice that were enchanted to be more accurate. Still, Caspian would have sworn that a fate of some kind was waiting at the fork up ahead of Hannah and Judy today.

Caspian was about to suggest that Aspen and Max go wake Hannah up. Caspian could feel Hannah as she continued to sleep late into the morning. When Caspian, Aspen and Max felt a sharp spike of fear from Hannah, one that stayed sharp. So strong was her panic, Caspian could almost taste it on his tongue, as everyone but Judy reacted to Hannah's panic and rushed from the room out the door. Leaving her home alone with an awful lot of freshly baked goods.

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