02 - Best Friends

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Jennifer's POV

Leah was here in no time and when I opened the door she instantly hugged me tight.
„Oh baby.", she rubbed my back when I started to cry, trying to comfort me.

„I'm glad you're here.", I whispered to her.
„Always baby, you know that. Come on, let's go inside."
We went to the kitchen and I grabbed us two bottles of water.
„Do you wanna talk about it?", Leah asked as we transitioned into the living room to sit on the couch.
„He was with another girl."
„Here?", she asked shocked. „That piece of shit!"
„No. Well yes, he was in his office and she was doing herself in front of him. Online."
Leah opened her mouth in shock.
„And you walked in on them?"
I just nodded and my eyes got watery again. „You know how I always had to fight for his attention recently and how we barely had sex. Turns out I wasn't enough obviously."
My voice cracked and I started to sob. I let my head down.

„Baby.", she said, cupped my face and wiped my tears away with her thumbs.
„You are enough! You're in fact the most beautiful human being I know, inside and out. If he can't see that, than fuck him! It's not your fault, baby. You are enough, believe me!", she tried to comfort me.
„I am?", I looked at her with puffy eyes, she was still holding my face.
„You are.", she smiled at me. „More than enough."

I sighed and we stared into each other's eyes.
I noticed her eyes looking at my lips, then up to my eyes again. And again. And again.

She moved a little closer and I just kept looking at her face. Her lips were so close to mine now that they almost touched. The air around us felt tense and tingly. I closed my eyes and she kissed me softly. I don't know what was going on, but it felt nice.
It was a short and nice kiss. Her lips felt soft and sweet.

She slowly dissolved from my lips.
„I..I'm sorry, I didn't mean to..", she said quietly.
„Don't be." I said looking at her. „Kiss me again." I wasn't thinking at all and just went with what feels good. And that kiss surely did feel good.
„What?", she looked at me and her eyes widened.
„Kiss me again.", I told her softly while looking at her lips.
She didn't hesitate. She started gently until I carefully began using my tongue, pushing between her warm and moist lips. I felt her tongue sliding out as well and we started making out. Gently. Careful. Sweet.
It felt so new that it made me a little shaky, yet so familiar that it made me feel just good and safe.

We stopped and she pulled me close, making me lay by her side, putting one arm around me.
My face was resting right under her neck and I could smell her beautiful scent.
I took a deep breath and enjoyed the warmth of her body.
„I broke up with him.", I said, putting my arm around her stomach.
„Good, I hoped so. You weren't happy for a while.", she said, playing with my hair.
„Mhmh.", I mumbled as I was getting tired.
We both fell asleep at some point.

I woke up, feeling her move.
„Mornin'", I said in a raspy and sleepy voice.
„Mornin'", she replied, sounding even raspier than me. I sat up and rubbed my face.
Leah sat up too and streched.
„Ouch, that wasn't very comfortable.", she said, rubbing her shoulders.
„Sorry.", I replied, biting my lips.
„The couchs' fault, not yours.", she giggled softly and I did too.

„So... yesterday.", she said making a face.
„Yeah?", I asked innocently.
„Uhm.. I, I'm not sure what happened, I hope you're not thinking I.."
„It's okay.", I interrupted her. „It was a moment. I was vulnerable and you.. comforted me. It was nice."
„I didn't want to take advantage of your vulnerability, I hope you know that."
„Of course I know, babe.", I put my hand on her thigh and rubbed it. „It just happened, and we're good.", I smiled.
„Okay.", she smiled.
„Let's have breakfast, shall we?", I stood up and walked in the kitchen.

Leah's POV

I couldn't help but to watch her ass as she walked out. I've always loved her physique.
„Yeah.", I replied and walked after her.

I'm not sure why happened what happened. I mean I always loved and adored Jen. And she sure is hot as hell. But I never thought of kissing her or anything and I guess I was caught in the moment. Seeing her hurt was hard for me and then I just kissed her as she was so beautiful and delicate yesterday night.

„Leah?", she literally snapped me out of my thoughts by snapping her fingers in front of my face.
„Wha..?", I shook my head trying to get my brain to function again.
„I was asking if you want some coffee. Where were you?", she said laughing.
„Just...nowhere.", I muttered, then said louder: „Coffee would be great, thanks."

She made us coffee and said: „If you want to shower and get into some fresh clothes, I'll get you something. I really need to get out yesterdays' clothes."
„Yeah, that'd be nice."
„And Lee, baby?"
I know that tone in her voice so I know she wants something from me.
„Yeahh?", I said expectantly.

She walked over to me and put my cup of coffee on the kitchen island. When I was reaching for it, she grabbed my hand and pressed it.
„Would you... would you stay another night with me, please? I hate being alone.", she pouted.
„Oh you.", I said laughing slightly and looked down at our hands. I pressed her hand as well and looked up again. „Sure babe, everything for you." I smiled and she walked around the island to hug me.
As we hugged I took a deep breath through my nose and smelled her hair.

Jennifer's POV

I'm so glad to have a friend like Leah. She truly is the best.
After breakfast we both showered, me in my bathroom, Leah in the guest bathroom, and got into comfy clothes, wearing sweatpants with matching hoodies.
We snuggled up on the couch, watched old movies and talked. From time to time I got sad and started crying and Leah would comfort me.

„I don't get it, why another girl?", I said one time.
„I don't know. Seriously I don't. I mean look at you. Not only that banging body of yours, but your beautiful, loving and caring soul.", Leah responded and she made me smile. „He's such an idiot if he can't see that. It's his loss, after all."
„It's his loss.", I repeaded after her.
I smiled.
„What would I do without you, Leah?", I rubbed her thigh.
„You'd be so lost.", she shrugged.
I made a shocked face but laughed.
„Stop mocking me!", I pushed her and she fell backwards on the sofa.
I grabbed a pillow and sat on top of her to beat her sassy ass up.
The pillow hit her face a few times before she managed to grab it, laughing and gasping for air.

„Okay okay, I take it back, stop it now!", she laughed.
„You better.", I said smiling and got up.

„I'll have to work on something in my
office, will you be okay for a few hours?", I asked her.
„Sure babe, just tell me if you need anything to make this day easier for you."
„I will, thank you."
„You know what? I'll cook dinner for us."
„You'll cook dinner for us?", I said wryly and raised my eyebrows.

„What? I can cook!", Leah defended herself.
I raised my hands saying „Aight. Just try not to poison us with that food."
„You bitch!", she yelled funnily and tried to grab me, but I squeaked and jumped, turned around and walked to my office not without looking back at her, smirking.

When I reached my office door, my phone rang. It was Alex.

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