43 - Make Me

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Jennifer's POV

I woke up feeling dizzy again. Maybe I should eat something.
I let Ben sleep, went downstairs and grabbed my shake. While I was drinking, I looked at the gigantic ring on my finger and my heart jumped.

Then I thought of Leah. We still haven't spoken since. But now, we needed to. I didn't want her to know through the media or anything, before I haven't told her in person.

So I asked if she could come to lunch. Ben was out working, so that would be perfect.
She immediately responded and I was happy to read that she was free and able to come.

The shake helped and I got back to feeling normal again.

At 1:30, Leah rang my bell. I was nervous to see her.
I opened the door and she looked stunning.
„Hi.", I said and „Hi.", she responded.

We hugged and I was immediately thrown back to what it felt like, being even closer to her. I broke the hug and told her to come inside where we sat down for lunch.

I kept my hand with the ring on my lap as we ate.
„How are you?", I asked her.
„Honestly?", she asked.
„Please..", I replied.
„Terrible, Jennifer. I missed you. Not only as.. you know.. but also as my best friend."
„Why didn't you text?", I asked her.
„I wasn't sure if.. if it would be better to give it some time."
I chuckled: „That's what I thought, too."

We smiled at each other.
I took a deep breath and prepared for what I was about to tell her.
„Leah.. I need to tell you something.", I started and slowly put my hand on the table.
„Ben and I.. we're engaged." I looked at her with a look on my face that spoke more than words could. It said: Please don't hate me, I'm sorry, I hope this doesn't hurt you, I'm so excited about this, You still mean the world to me.

Her eyes widened. „Wow that's... all you ever wished for."
„It is.", I whispered shakily, afraid of her reaction.
„You're happy, right?", she asked.
„I am.", I whispered.

Leah got up. I closed my eyes and let my head down, trying not to cry. She's gonna leave.
Then I felt her touch on my knee and when I turned my head I saw that she had crouched down next to me.
„Then that's all I need to know. Congratulations, baby.", she said softly and smiled, but I noticed her watery eyes.
I sobbed and smiled as we hugged tight.
„Thank you.", I said, put my hand in her neck and grabbed her hair.

„Ladies..", I heard Ben's voice.
We broke the hug and I wiped a tear from my face.
„Hey baby. I just told Leah about our engagement.", I smiled at him.

Leah got up, saying: „Congratulations, Ben. You're made for each other."

I was more than stunned about her and that she handled the situation so well.

„Thank you.", he replied. „I'll let you finish your lunch, then.", he said.
He didn't come over to kiss me, and I was thankful he didn't. I don't know if it was because he thought it would hurt Leah, or because it would be weird if she was standing right next to us.

Ben walked out and Leah sat back down.

„Are you okay?", I asked her.
„Would it change anything if I wasn't?", she replied and tilted her head to the side slightly.

I sighed. It wouldn't. And we both knew.

„Can you do me a favor?", she asked.
„Anything.", I replied and meant it.
„Don't ask me on my opinion for anything concerning the wedding. Give me time. I'll let you know when I'm able to.. be your normal friend again."
I nodded. „Sure. But Leah.. I don't want you to be my normal friend again. I want you to be my best friend again. Is that too much to ask?"

„I don't know. I hope we can be.", she smiled and put her hand on the table for me to take.
I put my hand in hers and we squeezed each other.


I was on a two week break from shooting and Ben and I were invited to Matt's house for a charity event. It was all about gambling and winning money for the good cause.

I wore a silky black dress with long sleeves and a deep V-neck while Ben was wearing a black tuxedo and a white shirt. My hair was tied in a sleek mid-high bun.

I'm not into gambling too much, so I supported Ben mostly and sometime I tried as well.
Meanwhile we had shared our engagement with the world and everyone seemed happy for us, many guests came to share their wishes with us.

Today I felt extra clingy and horny, and Ben had a hard time with me today. Literally. My hands were always on him and I kissed him constantly.

We were standing inside and Ben's back was against a wall. Everyone around us seemed to be busy gambling and talking, so I took the chance and pressed him against the wall to kiss him. He slid his hand down my back and squeezed my ass as I kissed his neck. Then he turned us around slowly to not raise any attention, and now that my back was against the wall.

He kissed my neck and I giggled.
„We need to stop.", I told him.
„Because I'll fuck you right here if we don't.", I whispered in his ear and bit my lip.

Ben sucked on my neck when I looked up and spotted Leah. She was standing at a distance like she's been frozen, staring at us.
„Ben, stop.", I said in a serious voice.

Leah's POV

Ben's and my eyes met seconds ago, when I spotted them. His back was against the wall and he squeezed her ass, looking at me. He did it on absolute purpose. It hurt but I couldn't stop watching. He turned her around and kissed her neck, until she saw me. I couldn't hear them but her lips formed the words „stop".

I still couldn't move. Jennifer pushed him away softly and wanted to walk towards me. But Ben held her by her hand, saying something to her.

Then she hissed at him as she freed herself from his grip.
She came closer and I turned around and walked away, happy that my legs finally let me.

„Leah!", I heard her shout.
I kept on walking down Matt's hall. I wanted to go to the bathroom and shut the door behind me.
She grabbed my hand and stopped me. I turned around.
„Let me go!", I hissed at her.
„I'm sorry you had to see this.", she apologized.

I shook my arm to free myself and she let go of me, so I kept on walking. Where was that fucking bathroom again?

„Leah, come on!", she was still behind me.
I finally reached the bathroom and got inside. I wanted to slam the door into her face, but she was faster than me and pushed it back open, then slammed it shut behind her.

„He saw me. He saw me and he did that to you to hurt me!", I yelled at her.
„What?", she frowned and seemed confused.
„Yes! He spotted me and started touching and kissing you."

„No, he...", she said but I interrupted her.
„Yes he!!! I knew you were both gonna be here and I came anyway, because I want this to work, because I want to be your best friend again!", I yelled. „Do you think that's easy for me?"

She stood at the door, pretty as ever, with an unsure and sorry look on her face. I wish I could kiss her.

„Please stop yelling at me. This isn't my fault.", she talked in a calm voice.

I walked two steps towards her so that we were pretty close now.
„Make me.", I said, not really knowing what I was doing. I was breathing heavy and my eyes were teared up. I guess I was desperate.

Her back was against the door, just like it had been weeks ago. Her breathing got heavier too and she pressed her lips together while she frowned.

„What?", she whispered and looked at me.
„Make me stop.", I said again.

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