11 - I'm into you

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Jennifer's POV

I quickly realized it was her.
„Leah!", I gasped.
„Shh, just.. don't talk.", she begged me and smashed her lips on mine. My body filled up with excitement immediately.
She went on to kiss my neck and I was able to catch a breath. Her kisses felt good and I wasn't exactly fighting it.

I leaned my head back on the door and let her kiss me. My senses were clouded. I felt like rushing through a tunnel with no escape left or right and nowhere to stop.

She started lifting up my dress.
„Leah..", I managed to gasp between my heavy breathing.
„We can't..", I said but she silenced me with another kiss.
I put my hands on her shoulders in attempt to push her away gently. A desultory try.

„Let me feel you.", she whispered into my ear, making me whimper.
„No. Leah.. please.", I whined.
„I want you. I missed this.", she let her fingers slide over my panties and continued: „I missed you're wetness."

I groaned loudly as she said that while she brushed her fingers repeatedly over my panties.
My hands ran from her shoulders to her neck and cheek and I pulled her closer to kiss her.
She pushed my panties aside and her fingers ran up and down my lips, stroking my opening and spreading my wetness.
„You're so wet.", Leah whispered.

She got down on her knees while my hands rested on her head. Then she lifted my left leg on her shoulder.
She kissed me between my legs and I grabbed her hair while moaning. Leah started using her tongue and it felt so warm. It made me dizzy and I grabbed her hair even harder so I could hold on to something. I pushed her closer to me as she slid her tongue inside me.

„Oh god.. Leah..", I whimpered and looked at her. She supported me standing by placing her left hand under the thigh that was resting on her, and suddenly thrusted her thumb into my pussy while gently licking me.

I couldn't hold back anymore and bit my lip hard.
„Fuck, uh!", I pressed out while I released all tension and came into her mouth. A warm, fuzzy feeling was spreading through my whole body. I kept running my hands through her hair, as I was coping with the shivers my orgasm brought me. My knees got weak and I was afraid of falling.

Leah let her tongue slide across me two or three times, making me whimper, then she put my panties back in place. She pulled my dress down and got off her knees, rising to my level again. She kissed me and I could taste myself.

I was still panting hard.
„Leah..", I said, trying to control my breathing.. „that.. ca..."
„Shh", she said and put one finger on my lips.
„I don't wanna hear it."
She kissed me again gently. Then she opened the door so I had to walk a few steps to the side. She got out, leaving me standing there, still overwhelmed from what just happened.

I waited until my breathing normalized and I felt my body coming back to a normal temperature, then I left as well, but not before putting some fresh lipgloss on. I was still sensitive and I felt that with every step I took.

When walking back I was trying to find Ben and my heart dropped when I saw him standing there with Leah. I picked up speed.
„Hey baby, where were you?", he asked and pecked my lips.
„I uhm..."
„Sorry.", Leah interrupted me „It was my fault. I occupied her in a guest room. Girl talk."
She smiled at him and then at me.
I opened my mouth a little, then smiled back at her and then at Ben.

He wrapped one arm around me and squeezed me to his side.
„She's a great friend, isn't she?", Ben stated towards Leah.
„Oh, she's the best, trust me.", she replied.
I swallowed and it felt like little heat waves wanted to escape every pore of my body.

Ben kissed me again, this time a little longer, and it was kind of awkward being watched by Leah.

„I'm afraid I have to leave.", Leah said and turned to Ben. „It was very nice to meet you."
„Likewise.", Ben said.
Then Leah came to hug me. She wrapped her arms around me, then she let one of them slide down my ass and squeeze it hard. I flinched a little.
„See you soon?", she asked, being right next to my ear.
„Yeah.", I said quietly.
„Love you.", she said louder and dissolved from the hug.
„Love you too.", I returned.

Then she left. Ben and I didn't stay much longer as I was getting tired.

On the way home we were sitting in the back seat and I rested my head on his shoulders thinking...
‚What have I done?'

I was in shock and I couldn't believe myself. He's the love of my life, what on earth was I thinking?
‚Nothing.', I thought to myself.

I placed my hand on his chest, grabbed his shirt and snuggled deeper into him.
„Are you okay?", he asked me, squeezing my thigh.
„Mhmh.", I lied.
Or maybe I didn't. Because here with him, I was okay. More than that.

Leah's POV

I layed in bed and Jennifer was on my mind. I know what I did was neither right nor fair to her. But I couldn't help myself. I had to have her. I closed my eyes and rewinded our encounter earlier. Her moans ringed in my ear and send shivers through my body.
My need for her didn't decrease at all. Instead it was growing.

I exhaled loudly and at that moment my phone buzzed. It was a message from Jen, asking me if I could come over next week.
She either wanted to have me or confront me. I bet my ass on the last one. But I also know that she probably wants me just as much as she's angry at me.

Jennifer's POV

I'm really trying to get the relationship between me and Ben right. Although I know I already failed I needed to at least stop it.

Ben and I were amazing together in every way
possible. He's my best friend, my lover, my family, simply everything I was craving for so long after our breakup. I can't loose that.

So I invited Leah over to tell her, and really make it clear, that our friendship can't go further than a normal friendship should. Respectively our friendship was, because I feel like we've always been a little closer.

She came a little later than we agreed.
When she rang, I nervously smoothed down my shirt and opened the door.
‚You can do this. Just don't let her fuck you.' I thought to myself.

„Hi", I smiled at her.
She took her sunglasses off. Damn she looks fine.
„Hi", she said and walked in.
„So what's up?", she asked getting to the point quickly.
„Why do you think something is up?" I asked nervously, trying to avoid what I actually wanted to talk about.
„Because I know you too well. I know when something is up. And I'm pretty sure I know what it is about."
„Yeah?", I asked crossing my arms in front of my chest.
„Yeah. So?"
„Alright I.. Leah...", I stopped crossing my arms and used my hands to talk. „I.. I love Ben and I need this to work and I can't - no - we can't.. we can't fool around like that. I..."
„You know it takes two people for that.", she said.
„Well, you were the one dragging me inside that room.", I raised my voice slightly.
„And you didn't seem to bother.", she said poisingly.

„That's not fair. You know how much this means to me and you had no right t...."
„I do! Okay!", she interrupted me, almost yelling. „I'm pretty damn aware of how much this means to you." She was all up in my face with her hands. „Fuck Jennifer! Are you aware of how much you actually mean to me?"
I opened my mouth but couldn't get any words out. Leah stared at me furiously.

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