60 - Heaven

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Jennifer's POV

Weeks had passed and we all adapted to our new life pretty well. The media was nice about it and our family's were thrilled.

We hung out in the garden and the kids played ball while Ben and I cuddled up on a lounger, watching them.

It was like it's been this way forever. Max shoved Emme and she fell down crying.

I got up and ran to her, taking her into my embrace. „Oh baby, did it hurt?", I asked her.
„Max shoved!", she said angrily.
I crouched down next to Max with Emme in my arm.
„Baby, we don't shove each other, okay?", I said.
He nodded and I think he didn't do it on purpose, but was just so into playing.

„Sorry.", Max apologized to Emme.
I smiled at him.
„Are you good?", I asked Emme.
She nodded and crawled out of my arms.

„Thank you, mommy.", she said in her sweet voice. My heart dropped. This was the first time she ever called me that.
I put my hand on my heart and said: „Oh."
„I love you Emme.", I said to her. „And I love you too, Maxi."
„Love you too, mom.", Max replied and I felt like breaking down and crying out of pure happiness.

„Okay, go ahead and play.", I said with a slightly shaky voice and got up.

I walked back to Ben and fell into his arms.

„What is it, baby?", he asked.

„They called me mom.", I said while tears were floating silently.

A week later or so, they started calling Ben dad.


One year into parenting and I could easily say that it was the most challenging, yet joyful year of my life. Juggling the kids and work wasn't an easy task, but we made it.

We had submitted the full adoption papers some time ago and we were waiting for the reply.

Leah was over for lunch and when the kids saw her they came running towards her, screaming: „Aunty Leah!!" and she crouched down and was thrown on the ground as they both ran into her arms.

The three of them laughed and I looked at them and couldn't believe where life had brought us.

Ben came home from a meeting with the mail in his hands and had a look on his face, holding one big brown envelope.

„Baby, what is it?", I asked him.

„It's from the adoption agency.", he said in a calm and quiet voice.

I quickly ran to his side. „Open up!"

Ben open it and we read the words, looking for one on particular.
Then we found it. „Approved"

I put my palm over my mouth and sobbed.

„Guys, what's up?", Leah asked, still on the ground, attacked by Emme and Max over and over again.

Ben picked me up and squeezed me tight while I wrapped my arms around him and buried my head into his neck. Tears of happiness were running down my cheeks.

„Mommy, why are you and daddy crying?", Max came asking.
Ben let me down and we both crouched down to him, while Emme came over too.

„We're officially a family now.", I said with a trembling voice.

„What?", Leah yelled and made me laugh.

„But we were a family before?", Max asked.
„Yes baby, but remember we weren't always together?", I said.
Max nodded.
„And then we had to fill out forms and do all that stupid adult stuff so everyone else knows it too, right?"

Both of them nodded. „And now we got a paper back, that shows everyone that we're a family. So the whole world knows. And daddy and I are very happy about it.", I continued and caressed their little cheeks.

„Adult stuff sounds exhausing.", Emme said, rolling her eyes.

I hugged them and Ben put his arms around us. „Mom, let go!", Emme said.

I inhaled deeply. „Okay okay, go play, we'll be right there." We let them go and they ran off.

„It's official?", Leah asked.
I nodded and she came over and hugged me so tight.
„Oh god, I'm so happy for you babe!", she said and caressed my hair.

Then she let got of me and took a step towards Ben.
„And for you too, Ben!", she hugged him and he lifted her off her feet slightly.
„Thank you, Leah!"

„You know what? I'll go play with the kids a little and you guys take some time, all right?", she suggested.

„Thank you.", I said and hugged her again.
„I love you."

„And I love you.", she replied and went to Emme and Max.

I fell into Ben's arms and we stood there for what felt like an eternity, happier than ever. I felt like I'm where I always wanted to be. Now I have everything I ever wished for. And the love I have for these three beautiful humans goes beyond everything I ever felt before.

„This is heaven. Right Here. We're in it now.", Ben whispered the words, he ended his wedding vow with, to me.

I sobbed and repeated: „Heaven."


And this is where the story ends. 😌

I hope you enjoyed reading as much as I did writing.
Thanks to everyone who read, commented, liked and saved the story. I appreciate it so much. ❤️

I started a new story called „Impossible" which is a Jeleah story, so if you like and want to check it out too I'd be very happy about it. 😊

Thank you! 🫂 ❤️

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