35 - Live

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Jennifer's POV

It was the day of my gig and I was excited when I woke up. I love performing and my adrenaline was already high. So I got up and worked out for an hour, before I had my shake and then showered. Ben was still asleep and I crawled back to bed and kissed him. My hair was still wet and it tickled his face.

He woke up slowly.
„Mhh, that smell.", he said in a raspy voice.
All of a sudden he grabbed me me by my shoulders and threw me on my back, as he rolled on top of me.

I laughed and screamed a little. Then he kissed me gently.
„Do you know if you can come tonight?", I asked him.
„I try to make it work baby. I just hope the meeting won't take us too long so I can make it on time.", he said and caressed my forehead with his palm.
I pouted a little. „I hope you'll make it."

I left early for soundchecks and fittings, hair and make up, all of it.

45 minutes before the show, Leah walked into my dressing room.

„Hi baby! I didn't know you were coming!", I said and hugged her.
„You look... WOW.", she said and looked at me up and down. „You asked me to come weeks ago, don't you remember?"
„Ohh yess!", I remembered.

Now I wasn't so sure if I wanted Ben to come. because I didn't want things to get awkward.

„Could you give us a second?", I asked my team and they left the room.
I was done anyway, and they were just hanging.
„What? Do you want some..?", she winked at me funnily.
She made me laugh.
„No. I just wanna kiss those sweet lips.", I smiled at her.
She walked a step closer and kissed me softly.

„When are we going to have some time to ourselves?", she pouted.
„Soon, I hope."
„Yeah because I still need to get back at you for your behavior the other day, remember?", she said and pinched my ass hard.
„Ouch! Baby!", I complained. She let her hand run up my body until she reached my nipple, while her lips were really close to mine.
Through my bodysuit she managed to grab my nipple and pinch it as well.
„Baby, stop!", I gasped. „You're makin' me wet."

Leah smirked and let go. „I'll see you on stage then. And find some time for me in your busy schedule. Please.", she said while walking out.

„I will.", I smiled at her and watched her leave.
My phone buzzed and I saw that Ben had texted me that the meeting takes longer and he hopes he's gonna make it somewhere to the middle of my concert. I sighed, checked myself in the mirror and re-applied my lipgloss.

20 minutes left. I took a deep breath to get into zen-mode.

Then it was time to go on stage and I gave a little speech to everybody performing with me, before we all went into position.

While performing I spotted Leah in front of the stage and she was having a great time. She stood there with Paris and Tabitha and they were hitting it.

„We have a special guest here tonight.", I spoke to the audience in my low sexy concert voice.

I had the opportunity to give them something special. And to get back at Leah for pinching me so hard.
„I teached her a couple of moves a few days ago and she can't wait to dance with me. Come on up, Leah!"
She looked at me shocked and I couldn't help but laugh. Paris and Tabitha were pushing her towards the stage while she shook her head.

„Come on, don't be shy. Give it up for the wonderful Leah Remini, everybody!"
The audience went nuts and I shrugged my shoulders and smiled at her.
My security was pulling her on stage.

She looked at me and formed the words „I hate you.", with her mouth.
„Here she is!", I spoke into the microphone.
„Are you ready?", I yelled. The audience cheered and Leah just formed „no" with her lips.

I started „I'm Into You", which reminded me so much of her, how we started out and especially that night at the club.

She just stood there uncomfortable, while I sang to her and made the audience laugh and scream because of the things I did to her.

„You got me and I could not defend it", I sang and pointed my finger towards her, moving closer.

„I tried but I had to surrender..", I turned around and grinded my ass on her, then went on to sing to the audience.

At: „When I look into your eyes, it's over,
You got me hooked with your love controller..", I acted on her again, by dancing around her a little. Nothing too naughty. The funny thing was, no one knew that what I was singing was very true for us.

When it was time for the move she learned I made her hold my hips and we did our little move together. She absolutely nailed it and was cheered on by my fans. I couldn't hold back and chuckled in between singing. But the fans loved to see a real and funny moment on stage, so it didn't matter.

I finished the song, grabbed Leah's hand and raised it into the air. „Wasn't she amazing?", I asked, receiving a deafening applause. We bowed.

„Yehees!", I chuckled into the mic.
I hugged Leah. „Give it up one more time for Leah, please!"
„You're so going to pay for this!", she hissed into my ear and went off stage, smiling and waving.

That was really fun. At least for me.

I went on with my songs as usual, when I spotted Ben in the audience. He was standing just a few steps away from Leah, I wasn't sure if she noticed him. My heart dropped but I kept on going, I have to. I asked myself if he had seen us on stage, or if he came in after that.
At my next outfit change I thought of something and asked someone to ask the band if they remembered how to play „I'm Glad", which we did rehearsed until I couldn't  anymore. They gave me the thumbs up and I went back out.

„How y'all feeling tonight lovers?", I asked and received screams and „I love you"s.
„This next song holds a very special place in my heart, since I wrote it for a very special person.", I said, put my palm on my heart and smiled at Ben, while the audience went nuts again, because they already spotted him. Ben grinned at me.

I turned around to the band: „Let's go.", I said and they hit the first notes.

We played an even softer version of it and I looked at Ben and flirted with him every once in a while, while singing. He smiled from ear to ear. Sometimes my eyes hushed over to Leah, and she smiled too.

I felt overwhelmed and had to held back my tears.

As I sang the last notes: „I'm glad that you came into my life, I'm so glad", my voice trembled a little, because my emotions took over. I mouthed „I love you.", towards Ben and he mouthed „I love you more" back. He looked so proud and my heart was so full.

How lucky am I to have two of the most beautiful people in the world, inside and out, by my side?

We continued with our the setlist as planned, we just had 3 more songs to go. When we were done my adrenaline was so high, I jumped around with the dancers and then walked over to my dressing room.

Leah was standing by the door.
„You did amazing!", she said and hugged me.
„Thank you baby!", I squeezed her hard.
„Easy, baby!", she said.
„Oh, sorry."
„But... were you out of your fucking mind bringing me on stage?", she said and pushed my shoulder.
I laughed. „Sorry baby, you did great, really."
„Shut up.", she made a face. „You'll see what you get. Now get into your room, Ben is waiting inside."

My mouth dropped open.
„Did you... talk?"
„No, I just saw him enter and figured I just wait outside."
„Okay.", I smiled.
„See you. Soon?", she asked.
„I'll text you."
„Okay, bye."
„Bye baby."

I went inside and Ben got off the couch. Besides him, my glam team, Stevie and also Benny were waiting for me.
They applauded and cheered as I walked over to Ben. I kissed him and we hugged tight.

„That was your best performance ever!", Benny said.
„Really?", I asked and wrinkled my nose.
„You were amazing.", Ben said.

„Oh the people loved that part with Leah and you certainly won their hearts when you sang to Ben.", Stevie said.

„That was so special baby.", Ben said and kissed my nose.
I closed my eyes and smiled.

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