57 - Ben's Chocolate

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Jennifer's POV

After 30 minutes, they started moving and waking up. I started moving too because sitting there, leaning against the bars, was awfully uncomfortable. When I tried to stretch, Max squeezed my hand harder, so I wouldn't let go of him. He looked at me with big eyes.

„I'm not leaving, it's okay.", I whispered to him.
He slowly let go of me so I could stretch.

„Don't leave.", Emme begged.

„You know what I was thinking?", I asked them and Ben was crouching down next to us again.
„I thought about if you want to come with us. With me and my husband, Ben."

They looked at Ben. Then they looked at each other.
„If you want to, you could stay with us and we'll get to know each other better."

I wasn't sure if they could fully understand what I was asking. And after all, they've been through so much.

Emme smashed her head on my chest and wrapped her little arm around me, while Max was a little more reserved, but slightly smiled and nodded at me.

This is it, we're really taking two of the most sweet kids with us.

„Can we leave now?", Emme asked.

„Can we?", I asked Ben.
„Gabriela just needs to fill out a form and.. oh there she is.", Ben answered.

Gabriela came back, smiling.
„We're so happy they're coming with you. I already asked your husband all the questions I had. This is fast and unconventional, but we're just happy if they can get out of here. Just remember, this is not permanent at least for now and you'll have to stay here until everything's settled."

I nodded, then smiled at the kids. „Are you ready?", I asked them.

They nodded and I got up. Both of them held up their little hands reaching for me to pick them up and my heart was overjoyed with love.

I picked up Max on my right side, then Emme on my left and Ben openend the door to the playpen so that I could step out. Their little hands got a hold on my neck and I loved the feeling.

„Thank you Gabriela!", I said. „For everything."
„No, thank you. Ben told me you were thinking about adoption for some time now and you've always wished for a family. Just know that we usually don't give kids to everybody like that. But these are special circumstances."

„I know.", I answered. „They're in the best hands, I promise!"

I had to sign the form she handed me, which was tricky with Emme and Max on my arm, but I made it. Ben signed too.

I also asked for Gabriela's e-mail so that we could send updates to her and she could tell us how everything worked out there or if she needed anything else.

We said goodbye and walked out, passing Benny.

„Benny, come on!", I said. „You need to book a hotel for all of us."

Benny looked at me. Then at the kids, then at me again.
„Jennifer what...? All of us?", he looked shocked.

„All of us.", I smiled.

We got back into the car and drove off, while Benny was looking at hotels. The kids were still at my side, Emme to my left and Max to my right, between me and Ben.

„I'm Ben.", Ben started talking to them. „I'm Jennifer's husband."

They looked at him but stayed quiet.
„Found one. That wasn't easy and we can stay only two nights, then they need it for the homeless. It's an hour drive.", Benny spoke to me from the front seat.
„Thank you.", I whispered.

„I don't know about you but I could eat some chocolate right now. What about you?"

Emme nodded and smiled.
„What about you Max, do you like chocolate?", Ben asked him.

Max nodded as well.

Ben reached inside the pocket of his jacket and pulled out a chocolate bar.

I chuckled and shook my head. Since when does he hide chocolate inside his jacket?

He gave them a piece each and held out one to me as well. I laughed and took it. We all had little smiles on our faces, sitting in the back of the car, sharing Ben's chocolate.

„Where are we going?", Emme asked.
„To a hotel. We're going to stay there until we can go home.", Ben answered.

„To mommy?", Max asked full of hope and it broke my heart.

Before I could say anything, Emme whispered: „Mommy's dead."

„When she coming back?", Max asked.
„Never.", Emme said.

Max started sobbing and I held him as tight as I could.
„I'm here for you.", I said softly, because I didn't know what else to say.

„Is she in heaven?", Max asked and looked up to me.
„She is baby.", I answered with tears in my eyes.

„Are you our new mommy?", Emme asked curiously.

„I'd love to be.", I replied. „If you'd like that. But your mom will forever be your mom."

Emme frowned trying to understand what I said.

„And you?", she asked Ben curiously.

„I could be your new dad, if you want me to."

„We didn't have an old dad.", Emme shrugged her shoulders. She was smart, sweet and unintentionally funny.

I chuckled.

Max buried his head into my chest as I kept holding him. He lifted his head and looked at me.
„You smell.", he said bluntly, like only a child could.
„I smell?", I asked with a high and slightly offended voice.
„Like a pretty flower.", he said in his cute voice.
„Ohh thank you sweetheart.", I smiled at him.

Finally we arrived at the hotel and Emme let Ben carry her, while I took Max.

It was a nice hotel in the middle of the island and it didn't got damaged.
We were led to our room which held two king size beds, a couch and a TV. It wasn't what we're used to, but given the circumstances and the time sensitive booking, it was good to stay in for the next two days.

„Is this our new home?", Max asked as I sat down on one of the beds with him.
„No, it's just a hotel we're staying in for the next few days until we're going home.", I replied.

„I like it here.", Emme said, jumping on the bed.
„Just wait until we get home. It's a million times better.", Ben said to her and her eyes widened.

There was a knock on our door and Ben opened up. Benny came inside. „Can I talk to you for a minute?", he asked me.

„Is this a new daddy, too?", Emme asked.
„No, this is uncle Benny.", I said.

„Would it be okay for you if I leave for five minutes?", I asked them.

Max was still holding on to me and he grabbed me even tighter when I asked.

„It's okay, I'll be back.", I said to him with a soft voice.
He looked at me with big eyes.
„I promise.", I said.

Ben walked to our sides and crouched down next to the bed. „I'll stay with you. Is that okay?", he asked and held out his hand to Max.
Max seemed to be thinking about it.
After some time he took Ben's hand and crawled into his arms.

My heart melted at the view.
„Jennifer?", Benny said.
„Coming.", I replied.

„You come back?", Max asked me.
„Yes baby, I will.", I smiled and walked out.

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