58 - Perfect

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Jennifer's POV

„What's up?", I asked Benny outside our hotel room.
„Can you explain what we're doing here?", he asked me.

„Starting a family.", I said smiling.
„But what? How? How are we gonna..?", he stuttered.

„We need to make room for them when we're home. I think a room together for them would be nice. We need furniture. And little beds. Everything, Benny.", I said excited.

„You'll go and organize everything, and send the suggestions for everything to me, alright?", I continued.

„Jennifer... this is...", he kept on stuttering.

„Don't you worry about it.", I smiled and patted his chest, then slipped back into our room.

„Jennifer!", Max yelled as if he didn't believe that I was really coming back.

Ben's POV

Max ran to Jennifer who catched him and held him tight in her arms.
Max buried his head in her neck and Jennifer closed her eyes and rocked him from side to side gently, while Emme jumped on the bed I was on.

Watching her taking care of Max made me love her even more. She was a natural.
Emme whispered in my ear: „I want more chocolate."

She was so cute. „We ate all of the chocolate. Are you hungry?"

She nodded.

„Who else is hungry?", I asked.

„Mee.", Jennifer and Max said.

„Let's get roomservice.", I suggested.

We ordered salad, Pizza, Pasta and fresh fruits and hoped, everyone would find something.

The kids ate so much that it seemed like they haven't in days. It was already late and I noticed them getting tired, so we gave them shirts from Jennifer to sleep in and brushed their teeth. Then we all lied in one bed, the kids in the middle and Jen and I on the sides.

„Sleep well.", Jennifer said and gave them each a kiss on the forehead.
„Read to us.", Emme asked.

We didn't have a children's book with us, so Jennifer just told a story she made up and they eventually fell asleep after a while.

„God, I love you.", I whispered to her. Seeing her take care of them was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.
„I love you too.", she whispered back and started getting up slowly.

She nodded, wanting me to follow her as she walked to the bathroom.

It was the first time we got to talk alone since we took Emme and Max.

„I told Benny to send me suggestions for room furniture and decorations and everything.", she said. „So that they could have a room as soon as possible."

„Great idea.", I replied. I gently put my hands on her waist and pulled her close. She wrapped her hands around my neck and tilted her head back a little, so she could look into my eyes.

„Jennifer I never imaged.. I mean I hoped but..
thank you.", I said and kissed her on top of her nose.
„Baby I immediately fell in love with them. It's crazy but they already feel like my kids."

„And you're such a natural. Like you never did something else!"
„Really?", she asked and scrunched her nose.
„And that's so sexy.", I continued.

„Is it?", she said in a soft voice.
„Mhmh.", I muttered as I leaned down to kiss her neck. As I started sucking on her neck she sighed and giggled.

„Ben, baby.. the kids."
„Are sleeping."
„What if they wake up?"

I kissed her on her lips so she would stop talking. I wanted her badly. Now.
She quietly moaned into my mouth and I knew she wanted it too, so I pushed her against the bathroom wall gently.

„Ben, I.. uh... I don't know.", she said in between moans. I had one hand on her boob squeezing it softly and the other one on her hip.

„We'll... hear.. them.", I spoke between kisses.
„Okay go.", she said. „Now papi."

I pushed her pants and underwear down and lifted one of her legs on my hip while she quietly groaned, knowing what I'm about to do.

When my fingers first touched her, she whimpered a little and it made me crazy.

She really tried to keep it down, but when I slid my fingers inside her, a loud moan escaped her mouth.
„Quiet.", I whispered and she answered only with a whimper.

But she couldn't, so I had to cover her mouth with my hand while my other hand was playing with her.

Shortly after, she came on my fingers while moaning into my mouth. I picked her up and put her on the vanity so we could finally become one. They way she looked at me and touched me made me crazy and it didn't took us long, before we both came.

„Oh god, Ben.", she whispered quietly, still holding on to my neck. I kissed hers and she gasped.

„God I love you so much.", I said and she leaned back to look at me.

„I love you too, baby. This is perfect.", she said and I knew she was referring not only to us being perfect together, but to us building a family as well.

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