36 - I'm Good!

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Jennifer's POV

„I'm good mom, trust me!", I spoke into my phone to reassure my mom that I am really fine.
I was on my way to Leah's when she called and I was annoyed that she didn't believe me. Now I stood outside Leah's door waiting for the call to end.

„I see something is wrong! I feel it!", she insisted.
„Mom, would you stop please! I'm good, I promise."

Leah opened the door, she must've heard me argue.
„You seem stressed.", Lupe said.
„Maybe that's because you're stressin' me.", I said sarcastically.
„Are you and Ben fine?", she kept on going.
„Mom!", I complained. „We are."

„Hi", Leah whispered and pecked my lips.
„Who was that?", my mom asked.
„Just Leah."
„Hi Lupe!", Leah said loud while we walked inside.
Lupe cleared her throat.
„Okay mom, I'm working 3 full-time jobs, maybe that's why I'm stressed."
„Then slow down."
I sighed.
„I'm workin' on it, okay?"

„Try to relax more.", she suggested.
Leah had grabbed my hand and was leading me upstairs.
„I will mom, okay?"
„Okay. I love you."
„I love you too."

Finally I could hang up.
„She's driving me crazy!", I complained to Leah.
„I can help you forget.", Leah smiled and turned around at her bedroom door, smiling at me.
„Sounds good.", I replied and smiled.

Leah grabbed my other hand too and walked backwards, so I had to follow her into her bedroom.
„It's been too long.", she said and stopped.
„I know, I'm sorry."

She kissed me and pinned my back against the wall. I gently placed my hand on the side of her head.
„I missed you.", I said in between kisses.
She smiled.

Suddenly she took my hand and turned my arm, forcing me to turn around, then she pinned my hand on my back, stretching my arm upwards.
„Leah, ouch, what the fuck!", I complained loudly.
She pinned me against the wall, and the side of my face rested on the cold masonry.

She spoke into my ear: „I told you I'm going to get back at you, for what you did to me, didn't I?"
„I.. but..."
„Shh.", she silenced me and kissed my neck.

Her being hard on me made me feel a different kind of rush, moving through my whole body.
Leah fumbled my dress up to my hips and grabbed my panties from behind, pulling them up a little.
A fainted „ah.." escaped my mouth, born out of pain and pleasure.

She played around with them until she let go, ran her fingers over my lower back, my ass and between my legs from behind until she reached her ultimate destination.

She brushed over my folds maddeningly slow.
I squirmed against the wall, thrilled by her touch. My other hand rested on the wall, which I was trying to get a grip at sometimes, but - of course - couldn't.

Finally she pushed my panties to the side and I gasped at her fingers touching me. I was throbbing. I needed her.
„Baby... Fuck me... now.", I begged her while she kept teasing me.
„Mhh..", she said. „Let me think.."

„Leah!", I hissed while she still went up and down my folds, so I had trouble speaking.
„Please.... Fuck me. Fuck... me.", I spoke loud but with a trembling voice.
„Do you think you deserve to be fucked?", Leah asked right into my ear, causing my skin to develop goosebumps from my neck down to the side of my hips.
„I do!", I'd say anything by now to feel her inside of me.

„Will you be a good girl from now on and never ever bring me up on stage again?", she spoke against my neck.

„Never. I... oh god... I.. promise!", I gasped.

„Good.", she said quietly and kissed my earlobe, causing me to whimper.

Then she thrusted her fingers inside of me hard, making me moan loudly.

She did me so good that I quickly came all over her fingers, while still being pressed against the wall.

If that was her punishing me, I need to do things like that more often, so I can get more of that.

A big smile appeared upon my face.
„Leah, that was...", I chuckled.
Leah giggled and kissed my neck again, then she spun me around and kissed me again.

Now it was my turn to please her. I missed her smell and her taste and I couldn't wait to take her on her high.

Leah was panting, laying on her back in bed and smiled when I looked up from between her legs.
„You...", she smiled and squeezed my face between her legs playfully.

I crawled on top of her and then layed beside her.

„So what's up with your mom?", she asked me.
I sighed.
„I don't know. She's convinced that something is wrong. That I'm stressed or unhappy or something, and she won't let it go."
„Are you?"
„No! I'm good."
„Your mom always has a pretty good sense for that.."
I rolled my eyes.
„Please don't start as well..", I begged. As if my mom wasn't annoying enough, I didn't need Leah to pick up on that as well.

„Okay baby. If you say you're fine, you're probably fine.", she said and kissed me softly.
„Thank you.", I smiled as I opened my eyes to look at her pretty face.

I started playing with her hair and we looked at each other.

„When are you leaving?", Leah asked, referring to me shooting a movie in Canada.

„In two days.", I said as I twirled her hair on my finger.
„For how long?"
„Two weeks, then we're on a one week break, then we're shooting another week..", I explained to her.

She sighed. „I'll miss you."
„Aw, I'll miss you too, baby." I layed my palm on her cheek and brushed my thumb over her lips.

My phone buzzed again, it was Ben.
I sat up an took the call.
„Where are you?", he asked in an angry tone, before I could say anything.
„I.. am.. why?", I wasn't sure if he knew, but it still felt awkward speaking it out loud.

„We're having dinner with my mom and Casey, remember?"
„Shit. Now?"
„We need to leave now. We're already late. Where you at, I'll pick you up."

I bit my lip and looked at Leah.
„Leah's..", I mumbled.
„What?", he asked, because I mumbled so hard he probably really couldn't hear.
„..Leah's", I repeated.

„I'll pick you up in 15 minutes.", he said and hung up.
„Shit! Shit shit shit.", I talked to myself and got up.
„We're supposed to have dinner with his family, and I totally forgot. He's picking me up in 15 minutes. Here."

„Oh." ist
„Yeah. Oh."

I got into the bathroom, fixed my hair and make-up and made sure my dress was on me properly. I wore a black short dress, with a nice open back, showing cleavage. It was okay for the occasion.

Leah and I went downstairs when I already heard Ben honking outside.

„I gotta leave."
Leah came close and hugged me, then kissed me once again.
„Love you.", she said.
„Love you too. Bye.", I smiled and went outside.

Ben left the engine running and when I got into the car, he glared at me and drove off so fast, that I was pressed into my seat.

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