56 - I'm In

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Jennifer's POV

Images of destroyed houses, crying people, floodings, injured adults and screaming kids flashed on the screen as they talked about the biggest hurricane that ever hit Puerto Rico.

I grabbed Benny's arm and sat down on the couch slowly. The pictures were unbearable.

„Thousands lost their homes, hundreds are dead, many more are still missing...", the reporter said.

Ben walked in and sat next to me, putting his arm around me. Tears were streaming down my face quietly.

„We need to go there, baby.", I said quietly.
„I know.", he replied and squeezed me.

I made Benny organize everything and 3 days later, while numbers of dead have increased to thousands, we were on our private jet to Puerto Rico.

I felt terrible. But I also felt like I could help.

Our first stop was a village, or at least it used to be, and we were shown around by the major. I was impressed of how people would stick together and helped each other out. We made donations to help with different kind of things they needed.

Then we walked into a building that used to be a kindergarden. Saying I was shocked from what I saw was an understatement.
Lots of Children ranging from ages 0 to 10 were there, lying in beds or cribs alone, their faces traumatized, some injured. There was a nurse, Gabriela, and another woman, trying to take care of all the little ones. It broke my heart.

„¿Qué hay de sus padres?", I asked, but I already knew the answer.

„Most of them are dead. Some are still missing, others are injured.", Gabriela answered in english. „We're trying to take care of them but it's almost impossible."

„What do you need, how can we help?", Ben wanted to know.
„Everything. We need food, water, clothes, medical supplies, more beds, but most of all we need help. People who read to them, cuddle them, just someone who is there. And people who are willing to take those children into their homes. Just get them out of here.", her voice cracked at the last words.

„We'll take care of anything you need!", I said and told Benny to look into how to get everything here as quickly as possible.

„Thank you so much!", she said with tears in her eyes. „They're so traumatized."

„Can we spend some time?", Ben asked.

„Oh god, yes please!", Gabriela replied.

She looked exhausted.

Ben, Benny and I sat down with the kids and read to them, played games or just cuddled.

I tried to get to as many kids as possible.

I noticed two kids, about 3 years old, cuddling with each other in a playpen. Looking at them comforting each other, brought tears to my eyes.

„They're twins.", Gabriela said, standing by my side. „Their mom worked at the school right next to this kindergarden. She was found dead yesterday."

„Oh god.. What about their dad or anyone else?", I asked quietly.
„Their dad was never in the picture. He took flight when he found out she was pregnant. They don't have anyone else, she managed it all on her own."

„What are their names?", I asked.

„Maximilian and Emme.", she replied. „Their mom grew up in the US. She was an english teacher here."

„She really picked beautiful names.", I whispered, touched by their story.

I crouched down to them.

„Hi.", I spoke softly.
Emme tilted her head to look at me.
„I'm Jennifer. And you must be Emme.", I smiled at her. She nodded slowly and her curly hair wiggled as she did.

„That means you must be Maximilian.", I smiled at the boy who still had his head buried into his sisters arms.
„Max.", he replied quietly.
„Okay, Max. Nice to meet you two."

„Can I come inside and read you something?", I asked.

They both nodded and I climbed inside and sat next to Emme because I didn't wanted to get between them.

As I sat there reading, Emme slightly leaned on me and I was overflown with sparks of joy. Five minutes into reading I noticed her breathing changing. She fell asleep, while her head was resting on my chest.

Max leaned against her and I kept on reading to him. Suddenly his little hand reached for mine, so I placed the book on my lap to be free to hold his hand. I brushed my thumb over it and he fell asleep too.

Suddenly I felt very whole and a tear ran down my cheek.
Those poor babies.

A few minutes passed and Ben showed up. He seemed to be in awe looking at us.
Gabriela stood by his side.
„You were the first one they let them touch, willingly.", she said and smiled. I noticed her eyes getting watery and I was more than touched hearing that.

I didn't wanted to leave them. I felt like my heart would break into a million pieces if I did. I felt like my place in this world, was with them.

They lost everything. And I was the first one they let in. And somehow I felt like I loved them deeply, although I just spent a few minutes with them. It was an overwhelming and hard to describe feeling. I was head over heels.

So I made a decision.

„Gabriela, would you give us a minute?", I asked her.
She nodded and went away.

Ben crouched down next to the playpen.

„Ben,", I whispered to not wake them up. „I know this sounds crazy but these two.. they stole my heart and I... I can't leave them here. Alone. In these conditions."

I started to cry silently.

Ben smiled. „I melted when I saw the three of you."

„This is Emme. And this is Maximilian. I think he prefers to be called Max.", I tilted my head in their directions.
„They have lost everything. And they're so little, I can't.. I can't leave them. And this will sound even crazier but, I feel like I love them already."

Ben got up and leaned on the playpens bars, then put his hand on my head. I looked up to him.

„I'm in.", he said. „Let's get them outta here.
I'll talk to Gabriela."

My heart sank to my stomach as I tried my best not to burst into tears.

„Wait..", I said. „Shouldn't we ask them first?"

„Yes. But it's important to know how it would work, and if it's even possible, before we ask.", Ben replied.

„You're right."

He leaned in and I tilted my head back so we could kiss.

„We're really doing this.", I said. „A family."
„Yes.", he smiled and looked at Emme and Max.

I leaned my head back on the bars and closed my eyes, enjoying them sleeping so peacefully by my side.

After some time, Ben came back.
He nodded and I knew it would work. My heart started beating fast.

„We have to stay in Puerto Rico a few days to settle everything and the adoption will be temporary at first.", he explained to me. „But we can get them outta here today, baby."

„Oh my god.", I whispered.

„After a year, we can submit an application for a full adoption."

I squeezed Max' hand a little. I hoped they would like the idea of staying with us. We barely know each other and this is crazy fast.

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