37 - I'm With You

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Jennifer's POV

„I'm sorry! I totally forgot.", I apologized to him while I buckled myself up.

He kept his eyes out of the front window and didn't answer me.
I put my palm on his thigh.
„Baby, I..."
„Keep it.", he snapped at me.

I stared out of the window and felt my insides turn. I felt guilty.

After minutes of silence, he spoke again.
„It's one thing getting fucked from her when we are supposed to be together... It's another thing if you are with her when we're meeting with my family. We're late. Really late."

„I'm sorry.", I whispered and looked down on my lap.
„You should be."
We parked outside the restaurant.

He still went around to open my door. I got out,  grabbed his hand and pulled him close to me.
I hugged him tight and he eventually gave in and hugged me back. He buried his face in my neck and took a deep breath. Then he put his hands on my shoulders and pushed me away.
„I can smell her."

He walked away. I pushed my door close and ran after him. I grabbed his hand again, making him stop.
„We can't go inside like that.", I said to him.
„And who's fault is that?", he turned around and looked at me angry.

„Baby I thought you're fine with.."
„I thought that too, but I... maybe I'm not. I mean, her scent is all over you!"
„I didn't have time to shower baby, I'm sorry."
„Oh, you're sorry that you couldn't shower. That's just... Wow."

I noticed some people watching us and I'm sure it won't take long to make it a crowd and involve the papz.

„Let's take this inside.", I suggested.
„In front of my family? Let's see what they're going to say, yes!", he said sarcastically.
„You think this is a joke to me?", I hissed at him quietly. „The bathroom, Ben!"

He rolled his eyes, took my hand and we went inside.
He went straight to a bathroom, dragging me with him.
Inside he made sure no one was there, then locked the door.

He started talking.
„Smelling her on you, picking you up at her's, you forgetting about our appointments.. It makes it all so real.", he explained.
„What, you didn't think it was real?", I asked puzzled while I spread my fingers and shrugged.
„Of course I did! I just... don't you know? It makes it.. I see it. It's right there in front of my nose.", he said and took a step closer to me.
He kept on talking: „My scent should be the only scent on you, besides your own. I should be the only one who gets to have you. Exclusively."

He was just inches away from my face now.
„I should be the only one kissing you.", he continued and brushed his thumb over my bottom lip. I looked at him with big eyes.
„I should be the only one inside you."
He ran down my cheek with the backside of his fingers.

I closed my eyes at his touch.
„I see you.. But baby, can we talk about this at home? We're already pretty late..", I asked him because this wasn't something we could quickly discuss in a public bathroom. I just wanted to make sure we were solid when talking to his family.

„Okay.", he agreed and kissed me.
Suddenly he picked me up and put me on the table next to the sink.
„But first I need you.", he said and kissed me.
„Ben...here?... Now?", I said between kisses.
„Yes.", he moved on to my neck.

„It's not the... right.. time...", I gasped, because I do think that we should talk first. Plus I had sex with Leah just hours before, plus his family was waiting.

Ben moved my dress up and unbuttoned his jeans. He was determined in his actions.
I grabbed his hands, trying to stop him.
„No, Ben.. you're overreacting..", I gasped.
„So you can fuck her, but you can't fuck me?", he said, got out of my grip and grabbed my hands instead, pinning them on the table.

„NO! I'm saying this doesn't feel right.", I said while he kissed and sucked on my neck.
He looked at me up and down and between my legs.
„Your body's saying something different."

One of his hands let go of me, moved between my legs and put my panties aside. I whimpered and closed my eyes. He was right.

Still, my mind was telling me no.
„No, Ben...", I whimpered.
„Shhh", he said and moved his fingers inside me, making me moan.


„Hey, why are you so late?", his mom greeted us at the table.
„I'm sorry ma'.", Ben apologized and hugged her. „We had to work on something and then we rushed to get here."
„What, by foot?", his mom asked sarcastically and hugged me. „You two look like you ran here."

She was right, our cheeks were still red from having sex in the bathroom. Ben was right about the rushing part though. We really hurried in there. At least the heat between us was smoothed and we didn't have to pretend everything was fine, because right now, we felt fine.

The dinner we had was nice and Ben and I were the lovebirds we are. A kiss here, a touch there, a smile, a laugh. Bennifer, as the puplic likes to call us.

At home we didn't even pick up the subject again, because neither of us wanted to ruin how we felt at the moment. In love, like it was just about the two of us.

Two days later it was time for me to leave.
To my surprise, I saw Ben's suitcases standing at the front door as well.

„Baby?", I called him.
„Yeah?", he came and a big smile appeared on his face.
„Are you..?"
„I'm coming with you.", he smiled even bigger.
„Eeek!", I squeaked and jumped towards him until I landed in his arms.

He held me up and we kissed.
„The whole two weeks.", he said and looked at me.
„No way! Oh my god are you serious?", I asked. That was the best thing ever. I even got a little emotional. I thought I'd be alone for two weeks, and I would miss him desperately, but now he's coming with me and it felt a little like going on a vacation together, although I had to work.

„Mhmh.", he nodded.
„How'd you do that?"
„I rescheduled a few appointments and insisted at some of them being held online.
I made it possible, I couldn't let you leave alone for two weeks baby."
He let me slide back down on my feet and I hugged him tight.
„Thank you baby."

„Are you ready, Miss Lopez?", one of the assistants came in asking.
„Yes. Ben is coming with us, so please take care of his bags as well."
„I'm happy to do so."
„Thank you."

I turned back to Ben.
„You're the best, baby!"
„I know. Let's go."

We boarded my private jet and had a good and calm flight. Not without joining the mile high club, again.
Ben really gave it's name the honor and I think I've never been on such a high, being this high.

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