44 - Pull Over!

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Leah's POV

„Leah..", she said with a trembling voice.
She put her hands on my shoulders and pulled me in for an embrace.

„Leah, oh Leah...", she said and comforted me, while I started crying on her shoulders.

„I'm so sorry... I hurt you so much.", she kept on talking while she caressed my back.

„I'm sorry for saying that.", I apologized referring to telling her she should make me stop.
„I don't wanna get you in trouble.", I kept on.

„Shh, it's okay.", she said softly.

„Let's dry those tears up.", she said, leading me to the sink.
She grabbed some toilet paper and wetted it with water, then dabbed and softly wiped the region under my eyes, while I watched her.

„Okay.", she said throwing the paper away. „I think you're good to go."
I looked at myself in the mirror. I looked okay but all I wanted to do is to go home.

„I wanna go home.", I said to Jennifer.
„Did you drive here?", she asked me.
„I did."
Once again she put her hands on my shoulders but now looked me into my eyes.
„Are you able to drive home?", she asked concerned.
„I am. I'm okay, really."
„Okay. Let me walk you out."

We left the bathroom and Ben was waiting outside.
„What were you doing in there?", he addressed Jennifer.
„Not now!", she hissed at him and left him standing there. She seemed really pissed.

She walked me to my car and hugged me, before I got inside. I hope we can continue like that, as best friends. I deeply hope I'll be able to.

Jennifer's POV

I walked back to Matt's door where Ben was waiting for me. In fact, I stomped more than I walked.
„Would you explain to me what you did inside that bathroom?", he asked.
„I comforted her, Ben! Because apparently you made out with me just to hurt her!", I yelled at him.

He just stood there and said nothing.
„I wanna leave.", I broke the silence and walked to his car.

He came after me and we got inside.

„I... I don't know why I did that.", he tried to apologize. „It was just.. you're mine and I guess I... you know I was hurt too."

I looked at him and felt disappointed. I perfectly understood what he was saying, but I still thought he'd be better than that. But after all, I felt like I'm responsible for everything that has happened and that I was the one hurting the people I love the most.

„You really hurt her today.", I said
and frowned at him.
„So she's still into you?", he asked.
„Don't twist this around and make it about her. She needs time.", I argued.

Ben started driving and we didn't talk.

Until he asked if it was okay to make a quick detour to the drive through at Dunkin's, he wanted a coffee and a donut.

I didn't mind, but I wasn't gonna have anything.

When we drove out of the drive-in it started to smell like coffee and sugar and I suddenly felt sick to my stomach.

„Ben.", I said and grabbed his arm.
„What?", he asked alarmed.

I covered my mouth with my hand and said: „Pull over!"

He immediately did and I opened the door and threw up. I coughed and Ben rubbed my back, then I leaned back inside and closed the door before anyone could tell it was me.

I don't wanna see that headline.

„Baby, what is up? Are you not feeling good lately? What is it?", he asked me concerned and kept on driving.
„Can you just open the windows please? That smell is killing me.", I said and covered my nose with my hand.

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