06 - Jeleah

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Jennifer's POV

I woke up and my first thought was Ben. He really was here yesterday and we had such a great time. I stretched and I felt every muscle tighten until I relaxed. My thoughts went to Leah and I smiled softly, knowing I would see her today. But first I had a fitting, an interview and an important business call.

I yawned, got up, showered, had a shake. The usual.
Shortly after, Tom arrived to do my nails.
„What are we having?"
I gave it a thought.
„A little shorter than usually please. Round and... milky."
„Shorter? Since when?"
„Just because.", I shrugged and added „Not too short though!"

Then a whole lotta people arrived with a whole lotta more clothes. Fittings are fun and time goes by so fast.

Leah texted, asking if we would see each other today and I suggested hanging by the pool and order dinner in.

Three dresses made it to the shortlist and everything else was carried out. We wanted to take another look another day with hair and make-up.

The business call was shorter than I thought so I texted Leah she could come around in half an hour.

Just when I was about to hang up, she rang the bell. „Nice talking to you too, bye."
I hang up and walked to the door.

„Right on time", I said opening it.
Leah was about to say something, but was interrupted by my ringing phone.
„Hi Benny, what's up?"
Leah walked in and I closed the door.
„Alex approved the statement, can I publish it today?"
„Good. You okay?"
„I'm better, Leah's here." I smiled and looked at her.
„Nice. Have a great evening."
„We will, thank you baby."

„Who was it?", Leah was curious.
„Benny. He's gonna publish the statement now."
„It's okay. I don't wanna worry 'bout this now. I'll cry my eyes out tomorrow, when I read the headlines..", I said sarcastically.
„Come on, let's get into our bikinis and meet by the pool.", I suggested to distract from the topic.

I jumped in a white bikini, some necklaces and hoops and tied my hair into a messy bun.

We met 5 minutes later and I brought sunscreen which I applied everywhere I could.
„Look at you!", Leah shouted.
„All dressed up again. You just can't be normal, can you?", Leah teased me.
She wore a red floral bikini and.. that's it. She looked very pretty.

I rolled my eyes.
„Can you do my back, please?", I asked, holding up the sunscreen bottle.
She took it, I layed down and she sat on my ass.
She applied sunscreen on my back, then she got up and did my thighs as well. Her hands slid up my thighs and up my ass, spreading it apart with her thumbs.
I was turned on by her touch. I thought about yesterday and what she did as she slowly moved her hands up my ass.
„Done.", she then said, slapping my ass.
What a tease she is.

Because I felt all hot, I decided to jump into the pool.
The water surrounding me felt cold but soft and I enjoyed the weightlessness. Leah was sitting on the edge with her feet hanging in the pool. I decided to tease her a little and swam over.
I stopped right in front of her and had a perfect view between her legs. I bit my lip and smiled.
„What?", Leah raised a brow.
„Nothing.", I said innocently and put my hands on her knees, letting them slide up her inner thighs.
„What are you doing?"
„Nothing.", I said again, smirking.
„Come inside.", I squeezed her thighs.
„I'm good up here, thanks."

I pouted.
„Come on, Lee! It's wonderful. And wet."

I jumped a little up and my hands that were still on Leahs thighs were supporting my weight, then I grabbed her neck with one hand and pulled her inside the pool.
She was screaming.

When she got up she cursed at me.
„Jen! You bitch, I told you I don't wanna go!"
I burst into laughter, because her being angry is just too funny, and she came after me, hugging me, pulling me under water but letting me up to catch air quickly. I swam to the edge to get a hold as I laughed. Leah came after me and when I tried to get out, she pulled me back in, turned me towards her and pressed me against the wall.
„You're not leaving.", she said.
„I'm not?", I replied softly, our lips almost touching.
She kissed me gently and I shivered everytime her body bumped into mine.
We kissed for a few moments, then swam around a little, got out and decided to order sushi.

Each of us showered and got dressed, while we were waiting for our food.
When it arrived, we sat down to eat.
„Ben was here yesterday.", I said and put another sushi in my mouth.
Leah cleared her throat.
„Ben as in... Ben Affleck?", she asked shocked.
„Mhmh.", I nodded, while still chewing.
„What?? How?"
„He e-mailed me and then he called and stopped by.", I shrugged.
„You're acting like this is not a big deal, but it is!"

I started smiling.
„Yes, it is!", now I was grinning from ear to ear.
„Is this going somewhere?", Leah asked.
„I don't know.. we just talked. But we want to meet again. And he's not seeing someone right now."
„I know."

We finished our sushi and threw the boxes it came in away.

I walked over to Leah and hugged her from behind. I moved my lips close to her neck and whispered: „Wanna go upstairs?"
I was excited for her the whole day and I wanted to feel and taste her.

„Huh?", she asked.
„Let me please you, Leah.", I said seductively and kissed her neck.

„Oh..", now she knew.
„Yeah", I whispered into her ear and squeezed her boobs.
„I'd love to."

We went upstairs, I threw her on my bed
and immediately undressed her.
I stared at her while undressing myself. Leah was laying on her back, her knees bended, her feet on the sheets, moving one of her legs from left to right, as if she was inviting me in.

I crawled between her legs, seeing what's hidden between them that close for the first time. I kissed her on her lower tummy and placed little kisses even lower until I reached her clit. When I kissed her there she shrugged and groaned. This was new for me so I was diving into the unknown, basically. I was excited, a little nervous and extremely turned on.

I lifted her legs over my shoulders and started to use my tongue while I grabbed the sides of her ass. My tongue slid up and down her wet slit as she began to squirm and moan under me. She tasted surprisingly good and I felt very comfortable doing what I did to her. When I thrusted two fingers inside her, she moaned „Fuck, Jennifer", which turned me on even more. I was pretty wet myself now.
I circled her clit with my tongue while thrusting my fingers in and out slowly and sometimes curling them inside of her, reaching for her g-spot.
„Harder.", she panted out while she grabbed my head and pushed it deeper.

I stopped what I was doing, got her hands off my head, crawled on top of her and pinned her hands down on the bed.

„Beg for it.", I told her, pushed her hands over her head, then used only one hand to pin them both down, so my other hand was free.
I pinched her nipple and she started begging.
„Please!", she whined.
„Please what?", I teased her, playing with her nipple.
„Please make me cum, Jennifer.", she begged.
„Good girl.", I kissed her. „I love when you say my name."
„Fuck me, Jennifer.", she smirked at me and bit my lip softly, which made me moan.

I released her from my grip and crawled back down to finish her.
When I proceeded where I stopped, she moaned and groaned in pleasure and shortly after she came onto my fingers and my mouth and it felt so rewarding feeling her loosing it on me.
I crawled back on top of her and we kissed.

Then she flipped me over.
„Let me return the favor.", she said against my mouth, then placed kisses all over me, making her way down my body until she reached my sweet and firm lips, surrounding my warm, moist, dizzingly scented opening.

And just as I did her before, she did me, making me lose control, begging for her to don't stop as I groaned in maddening pleasure which culminated in a sensational, almost black-outing me orgasm.

„Fuck.", I panted when she came back up.
„I know. How is it possible that we're so perfect with each other in so many ways?", Leah asked.
„I.. I don't know.", I said catching my breath.
We both giggled.

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