53 - Almost There

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Jennifer's POV

In one week, Ben and I will be saying „I do" to each other. This is it, him and I.

We were already at Ben's house in Georgia, handling stuff for the wedding.

„We're really here.", I smiled at him one morning.
„We are.", he said and leaned in to kiss me.

„Are you done with your vow?", he asked me.
„I am.", I said, when in fact, I wasn't. I had a million ideas on my mind but I couldn't bring them to paper.
„Are you?", I asked him.
„I had it in my mind the day I asked you to marry me.", he smiled.

„You're such a show-off.", I rolled my eyes and nudged him a little.

He wrapped his arms around me and squeezed me hard.
„Ah, Ben.", I laughed. „Stop."
He started tickling my sides and I squirmed in his arms and laughed and laughed.

„Let me gooo!"
„For now papi, pleaseee."

He let go of me and I took a deep breath, still laughing.

„I love you.", I said and kissed him. „And I gotta work.", I continued and got up quickly.
„I love you too.", he said loud while I was walking out of the room.

I needed to work on my vow so I sat down and wrote different things down that came to my mind. It was easy, what killed me was narrowing it down to the point and making it really meaningful and special.

Ben's POV

Tomorrow is the day. Our family was already here and they stayed with us in the house.
Jennifer and I were in bed, ready to sleep.

„I can't sleep.", she whispered.
„What, are you nervous?", I asked.
„No. I'm excited. I can't wait.", she smiled and giggled.
„Tomorrow we'll be officially husband and wife.", I replied.
„Ahh.", she hid under the covers.

„I can't wait either.", I said quietly, making her peek out under the covers.
She chuckled and bit her bottom lip.

We snuggled up and both fell asleep.

When I woke up she was already gone. I knew she would take a while to get ready and I was sure she'd look breathtaking.

I went to the bathroom and she just came out of the shower.
„Good morning.", I said and gazed at her naked and wet body. Waterdrops were running down her radiant skin and her wet hair was slightly touching her shoulders as she moved.
„Mornin' baby.", she replied sweetly.

She was about to grab a towel.
„Wait.", I said and walked over. I put my hands on her shoulders and let them run down the sides of her body until I stopped at her hips to pull her closer to me.

„Mh, hi.", she smiled at me.
I let my hand slide on her back and a little deeper, down to her ass. I grabbed her ass and kissed her.
„Do you have some spare time for your husband to be?", I muttered against her lips and I felt her smiling.
„Mh baby, I gotta get ready.", she said in a raspy voice.

„Oh... just a liiiittle time?", I begged. „You can't be looking like that and expect me to not want you."

„Hm..", she said and bit her lip. She put her hands on my chest and let them slide down on me slowly, while her body followed. Our eyes were locked and I knew what she was about to do.

She crouched down in front of me and gently pulled my briefs down.


„Now I need another shower, baby.", she said while I was still holding her in my arms.
„Okay then.", I said, carried her inside the shower and turned it on.

„Ah, papi, that's too hot.", she screamed but laughed.

When we got out, she put her bathrobe on, got on her tiptoes and kissed me.
„They're waiting for me.", she said.
„I'll see you at the altar then.", I responded.
„I'll be the girl in the pretty white dress.", she smiled excitedly and kissed me again.
„Can't wait.", I smiled back and she walked out of the bathroom, as if she was as light as a feather.

I went over my vow again and had breakfast with my mom, until I needed to get dressed.

I had a little help with everything and I liked the result. I wore a black pants and a white shirt and jacket, paired with a classy bow tie. Then it was time for me to walk to the altar and wait for my beautiful bride to be.

Our guest were lined up on the sides of the aisle, oaks draped with moss were building an alley around it and the sun began to set, casting it's rays like little diamonds dancing through the leaves.

A warm breeze swept over the lawn in our backyard where the people we loved the most sat, waiting for Jennifer to walk down this beautiful aisle.

As I was standing there, the music started to play and I inhaled deeply, when I saw her appear at the end of the aisle.

Everyone stood up and from the back seats I could hear some people say „oh" and „ah", as they layed eyes on Jennifer.

Finally I could see her clearly too and she nearly swept me off my feet.
She wore a tight turtle-necked dress with no real sleeves but a volant cut on her shoulders and on her lower legs, complimenting every part of her out of this world body, her hair was in a sleek bun and had a long veil pinned to it.

But the most beautiful part of her was the smile she wore. She couldn't help but smile so brightly at me while she walked down the aisle and it made my heart jump.

She'll be mine, forever.

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