12 - Take Care

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Jennifer's POV

„I... obviously I don't... Lee... what's going on?"
Leah turned around and inhaled deeply.
Then she turned back to face me: „Nothing okay!" and stormed out.

„Leah!", I yelled and ran after her. I managed to grab her wrist to make her stop walking.
„What?", she said through her pressed together lips and turned towards me.
„What's going on?", I asked again with a softer voice and frowned.

She snapped her hand out of mine and got in her car, leaving me standing in the dust she created as she speeded off.

What was that? What have I done? She was the one practically forcing herself on me.
Fighting with Leah hurt me. I hate it.

My phone rang and it was Benny, saying we need to talk about a new deal that was offered to me. I called my driver and got to his office. Before that I scheduled a gym date with my personal trainer so I could have a good session after the meeting. Working out always gets my mind in a good place.

I needed it to distract me from my fight with Leah. I spend a good 1.5 hours in the gym and as soon as I got out of my car at home I realized I totally overdid. Every muscle hurt and it felt like I've beaten myself up.

I got into the shower and let the water run down my sore body. The warmth of it felt good and eased the pain a little. After I got out I decided to call Leah. But she didn't pick up. So I texted her.

„Leah, I'm sorry it got loud and I hope we can talk again soon. Just know, whatever it is, I love you!"

Leah's POV

I didn't know what to text back so I just didn't. I don't even know what to say to her. Shit I don't even know why I am or feel this way.
A tie builded up in my stomach as unconsciously I thought that I may actually be in love with her. I somehow knew but didn't want to acknowledge it as it would only bring pain and confusion.

2 weeks passed by and I missed her like crazy.
Tabloids were not as obsessed with Bennifer 2.0 as in the beginning, but they were still very present in the media and therefore hard to avoid.
It's nice to see her happy and I don't want to change that, even if that means I have to get along without her. At least for a while until that feeling of loving her vanishes.

I was making myself tea, because I did not feel very well, when someone rang my bell.
„Coming!", I yelled walking to the door, feeling a little dizzy.
When I opened up I was surprised. It was her.

„Hi. Can I... come in?"
„Sure..", I cleared the door and she walked to the living room.
I walked behind her and sat down on the couch with my tea in my hand.
„I hate fighting with you. And I really miss you.", she said, fiddling with her fingers.
„Me too."
„Then why did we fight? I don't get it."
„Let me take you back. Because you were pissed because we had sex at that party. Oh and you blamed me for your lack of self-control."

„You started it!", Jen got louder again, pointing her finger at me.
„Does it matter? If you really didn't wanted me to fuck you, then you could've just walked away!", I yelled back.
„I...", she started but didn't finish.
„Yeah?", I raised my brows. Our argument made the blood rush through my veins and my ears started ringing.
„Okay. Maybe I wanted you to fuck me. Maybe I couldn't stop you, because it feels so damn good, okay?"

Jennifer's POV

Leah sat there saying nothing, looking weird.
„I.. „, she mumbled rolling her eyes and her cup fell out of her hands, landing on the carpet.

„Leah!!", I said in an high panicking voice and ran over to her.
I kneeled in front of her, cupping her face.
She seemed weak so I started slapping her cheek.
„Leah, hey, stay with me!"
I layed her down on the couch and ran to the kitchen, looking for something to give her. I got a wet towel and some juice, to get her sugared up.
I sat down on the couch and placed her head on my lap. Then I made sure her legs were resting high on a cushion and placed the wet towel on her forehead.

„Here.", I held a straw to her lips and she took it in her mouth, sucking the juice out of it.
„How you feelin'?", I asked her, as I put the juice next to me and ran my fingers through her hair.
„Better, thanks..", she mumbled.
„Do you want me to call a doctor?", I asked concerned.
„No. I think I just... I don't know. Didn't eat enough or something. I'll be fine."
„Are you sure?"
„Yeah. I'm already feeling better."
„Okay. You scared me."

She looked up to me.
„I didn't mean to."
„I know."
We stared at each other and it felt so nice, being with her. So close and without the fighting.
„Want me to get you something to eat?", I asked.
„Would you?"
„Of course."

I held her head up and placed a cushion on the couch, then placed her head back down.
I found pasta and figured that was the easiest and most fast to make. So I quickly made her pasta with some seared veggies.
15 minutes later I walked into the living room, handing her the plate as she sat up.
„Colorful.", she smiled at the plate.
„I thought I better fill you up with a lot of vitamins.", I smiled at her.
„Thank you."
„Anything for you.", I said and ran my hand along her chin softly.

„Eat.", I commanded and sat next to her.

She did and I just stayed with her.
When she finished I asked her: „Feel better now?"
„Mhmh, thank you.", Leah smiled softly while she put the plate on the table.
„So.. what did you say right before I passed out?", she asked. I figured she knew very well and just wanted to hear it again.
„Right back at it, huh?", I raised a brow.
Leah shrugged her shoulders.

„I said that... do I really have to say it again?", I begged.
„Yes.", she said trying to hide an evil grin.
I smacked her arm.
„You're a mean mean person.", I mugged her.
„Ey, easy, I'm still not a hundred percent."
„Sorry.", I caressed the spot I hit her.

„So?", she asked.
„So what?"
„What are we gonna do about it? What is this?"
I inhaled deeply.
„I don't know. I know I can't fuck up with Ben. I just can't."

She looked at me with her big puppy eyes.
I moved a little closer and kissed her gently on her lips. I don't know what for. As an excuse or a goodbye maybe.
She answered my kiss. Then I broke away, closed my eyes and lowered my head.
„I think I need to leave now..", I said.
I got up the sofa but she grabbed my arm and pulled me back down hard.
„Ouch, Leah."
„You're not leaving.", she said and put one hand on my cheek.
I frowned but couldn't move. I was turned on by her being a little hard on me.

She kissed me again, this time more passionately.
I tried to speak, but couldn't.
I gently ran my hand up her throat, then grabbed her jaw and broke away from our kiss.
I wish I could fuck her right now, I want her so bad.
„Seriously, stop.", I told her and released my grip on her while I stood up.

„I'm leaving now. Are you good?", I asked because I wanted her to be safe.
„Yeah.", she said annoyed.
„Are you going to call a doctor when you feel weird and dizzy?", I kept asking.
„Are we good?", I needed to know that as well.
„Good. Because I can't loose you. You hear me?"
She nodded.
„I need verbal confirmation baby."
„Yes. I hear you.", she confirmed.
„Good.", I smiled.

I bowed down and kissed her on the top of her head and said: „Bye."
„Bye", she replied and I left.

Leah's POV

She probably has no idea how fucking sexy that just was. I don't think the deeper love I felt for her since we hooked up is ever going to go away. I sighed and leaned back on the couch.

Jennifer's POV

I got back home and worked on some stuff until Ben came.

„What do you think about hosting a little get-together with friends? Nothing big just close friends and.. a BBQ by the pool?", Ben asked as we were about to finish dinner.
„A BBQ by the pool? Excuse me but... who are you?", I asked as this kind of party wasn't Bens type of thing to do.
He shrugged his shoulders.
„Okay, I just wanna parade you in front of my friends. Got me.", he chuckled.
I laughed. „Really babe?"
„Kinda, yeah."
I giggled. „I mean it sounds like a nice idea, I'm in."

We invited a couple of friends over for the next weekend.

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