03 - Dinner

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Jennifer's POV

I didn't want to talk to him, but eventually I had to. So I picked up and he wanted to stop by tomorrow to pick some of his belongings up.

I planned on not being there, I can't take seeing him right now and I for sure won't watch him packing his stuff.

„So I'll come around at 2pm, is that alright with you?", he asked.
„I'll be away then, so yeah. You still got your keys, just let yourself in."
„Oh, I thought we'd get to talk."
I preferred not to respond to that.
„I hoped we could talk."
„There's nothing to talk about."
„Maybe.. maybe there is, maybe we could.. I don't know, make things right again..?"
I took a deep, shaky breath. I wanted nothing more than us to work out. But it was too late, too many things had happened and I was just too hurt by what he did.
Suddenly I felt arms coming from behind, hugging me. Leah leaned her head on the back of my shoulder and her arms were wrapped around my stomach.
„You can do this.", she whispered.
Her support gave me the strength to do what had to be done.

„No.", I said to Alex. „There's nothing that we could make right again. Too much has happened."
Alex sighed.
„I'm broken, Jennifer."
„YOU are broken?", I raised my voice and Leah hugged me tighter.
„Don't even get me started, just pack your things tomorrow and leave the keys.", I continued. And I hung up. I just had to.

I put my arms over Leahs', tilted my head to the side where her head is resting on me and whispered: „Thank you.", as I squeezed her hands.

„Anything for you.", she said. „Are you good?"
I took another deep breath.
„As good as I can be.", I replied exhaling.
„Alright.", she said, letting go of me.
„I'll be done in about 2 hours."
„And I'll cook dinner, while you're working."
I chuckled.
„Just wait and see!", she said as she walked to the kitchen.

About 2 hours later I was done and when I walked out of my office, I was hit by a fantastic smell. Did she really?

„Hey.", I said surprised seeing her in full action in the kitchen.
„Almost done.", she smiled and added „Wanna taste?"
„Sure. What am I tasting?", I asked as Leah put a fork in the pan and twirled it.
„Spaghetti Puttanesca.", she said holding the fork up to my mouth.
„Spaghetti puta-what?", I laughed.
„It's a dish especially made for putas like yourself.", she responded narrowing her eyes.
„Haha very funny.", I said and pulled down the spaghetti with my lips.
„Mhh, oh my god, Leah!", I exclaimed while chewing. „Holy... oh my god. This is.. oh my god!" I swallowed and she smirked.
„So?", she asked.
„I'll never doubt your cooking skills ever again!"
„Good girl.", she said patting my cheek. „Now sit."

She served her puta pasta and a salad, along with a glass of red wine. I normally don't drink, but today it just fits.
That was hands down the best pasta I've ever had. I couldn't stop the „oh's" and „ah's" while eating. It was that good. Leah seemed pretty satisfied with herself.

After we were done, I raised my glass towards Leah: „To the best meal I've had in a long time."
„Thank you,", she smiled and continued „To new beginnings."
„To new beginnings.", I repeated as we clinked glasses and took a sip each, while looking into each other's eyes.

We put the dishes away together and transitioned to the sofa where we sat close by each other and finished our glasses of wine.
I am on my second one and because I don't drink usually I may feel a little tipsy right now.
We talk and laugh and we're just having a fun time. Sometimes I'm catching myself looking at Leahs' lips while she talks or laughs, but I don't think she notices.

Leah's POV

I am not sure if Jen is staring at my lips from time to time. Is she thinking about our kiss? I think about it too. Not just about how good it was but also about why it happened. Was it a moment? Is there more to it?

As we are talking there is also touching. But we always do that. I touch or squeeze her hand, she fiddles with my bracelet, I brush over her thigh. Nothing too uncommon for us.
But now, everytime it happens my body reacts to it. I can't put my finger on it as to how it does, but it does.

„I'm so happy to have you.", Jen said, putting her hand on my thigh, squeezing it to reinforce her words.
I raised my hand and put it on her cheek softly.
„Likewise.", I smiled and my heart jumped a little.
And as if my body had taken control over my brain, I felt the hand that is on her cheek pulling her closer to me and she let herself be led by my pull. She was on her knees now, looking at me. Without giving it a second thought, I kissed her.
Her soft lips moved on mine and I felt like my brain wanted to call it quits on me.
Oh god, I am really kissing her. And she is kissing me back. Does she like this? What now?

As my thoughts were racing, Jennifer put one hand on my neck and our kisses got more intense. She wants this!

Jennifer's POV

I am driven by passion. It feels good kissing Leah and she makes me feel so wanted right now. Our tongues were dancing around in each others mouths, one of my hands was on her neck and the other one was still on her thigh.

I removed the hand on her thigh and pinched her nipple, as she's not wearing a bra.
„Ouch!", she shrugged.
„What? I thought you like it rough?", I asked her teasingly. I know her and I know the things she likes because... well we're girls and we talk.
„Isn't this.. weird?", she suddenly asked and I looked puzzled. „Not like in awkward weird but.. are we taking it too far, Jen?"

„Do you not like this?", I asked very close to her lips, biting my own.
„I do like it. It's just that.. our friendship and... I've never been with a girl."
„Me neither. Or else you would know.", I smiled.
„Right", Leah chuckled.

„So?", I asked and pinched her nippel again.
„Go on", she said, biting her lip.

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