42 - Are You Okay?

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Jennifer's POV

When I got home I felt every muscle in my body ache. I did a lot of stunts and running this week.

„Are you okay?", Ben asked me, when he saw my face while I put my hand on my neck and stretched it.
„I'm just exhausted. My body hurts.", I said and clenched my teeth.
„Poor baby.", he came and hugged me. „I'll make you a bubble bath.", he said and kissed my neck.
„Okay.", I smiled and watched him walk upstairs.

When I got upstairs I saw the bathtub that had rose pedals in it and Ben put candles on the shelves and on the floor.

„Aw papi! That's beautiful, thank you!"
Ben really is perfect.

„Come over, I'll help you undress.", he said and I walked over to him.
He pulled my shirt over my head, my pants and my panties down by making me lift one leg, then the other as he held it up and pulled the clothes down.
He was gentle and sweet and from time to time he placed kisses on my skin.

He even got my hair clip and pinned it up for me.
„Okay, get inside, relax. I put on some music and just leave you, okay?"
„Mhmh.", I hummed, amazed by him.

I got inside and he put on piano music I could really relax to. I leaned back, closed my eyes and enjoyed the warmth of the water surrounding me. The music made every thought disappear and I got into a deep state of relaxation. My breathing was slow and if I hadn't been in the water, I could've easily nod off.

Suddenly I felt a touch on my arm and flinched.
„Sorry baby, I just wanted to check if you're okay and bring you a cup of tea.", Ben said in a soft voice.
„Mhh, you're so good to me.", I smiled and opened my eyes. „Thank you."

He kissed me and my heart was almost beating out of my chest. This moment felt so special.

Ben got up again, said: „Wait a second.", and left the room.
„I'm not going anywhere.", I said and chuckled.

He came back all smiles.
„What?", I asked and frowned.

„You're the one.", he said. „You're the most beautiful person I know, inside and out. You make everyday that you're with me better and special. You make me a better person and you make every day that I am with you worth it.

I see you are an answered prayer and a dream come true. You're my dream come true.

And it seems right now that all I've ever done in my life is making my way here to you."

I was sitting in the bathtub to stunned to say anything.

„I've been waiting for the perfect moment, and I think, this is it."

He got on one knee in front of me and got a ring case out of his pocked, which he opened.
My eyes were teared up, so I couldn't see it clearly, but I could see a really big, green diamond. Green. My lucky color. He really sees me.

„Ben...", I gasped.
„Jennifer Lynn Lopez, please be my wife, finally, eternally and let me have the honor of being your husband. Let me love you forever. Will you?"
I didn't hesitate a second.
„Yes!", I whispered and sobbed.

He took the ring out and I held my hand up.
He said: „Not. Going. Anywhere. ... It's engraved inside the ring."
I opened my mouth. „That's... baby...", he left me speechless.
Ben put the ring on my finger slowly. It fit perfectly.
„I love you.", I said and put my hands around his neck, pulled him closer and we shared a teary-eyed, loving kiss.

I wanted him even closer so I pulled him into the bathtub with me.

Ben's POV

I finally did it! It had it in mind as soon as we rekindled, but given the situation with Leah I hesitated.

Now seemed to be the perfect moment and I'm beyond excited that she said yes.

I looked at her. Wet strands of hair were hanging in her face, her nose was a little red, her eyes still a bit wet and her cheeks blushed from either the heat in the bathtub or from the excitement of the moment.

„What are you thinking?" she asked me pressing her wet, naked body against my all dressed and soaked one.
„I thought about how I'm the luckiest man in the world.", I answered and tucked some of the hair hanging in her face behind her ear.
„I can't believe we're getting married!", she said quietly and caressed my face.

Later I got out first, then undressed and grabbed a towel for me and for her. I helped her out of the bathtub and she seemed a little dizzy when she got out. I wrapped the towel around her.
„Are you okay?", I asked and stabilized her.

She closed her eyes, shook her head and opened her eyes again, as if she was resetting her balance.
„I think so. Must be the hot water. Or the situation.", she smiled sweet at me.

I hugged her tight and kissed her.
„Mh.", she suddenly said, pushing me away.
„What?", I asked.

Her eyes widened and she ran to the toilet, threw herself on her knees in front of it and threw up.
I rushed to her side and rubbed her back.

She was already done.
„You're not okay.", I said and rubbed her back.
„Ugh", she groaned and put her hand on her forehead. She took a few deep breaths then got up while I helped her. We walked to the sink and she washed her face.
„I don't know what that was.", she said.
„But I'm okay." She proceeded and brushed her teeth while I didn't leave her side.

I just hoped she didn't have any second thoughts and that's the reason she vomited.

We got into bed and I showed and explained her the ring.
„It's so beautiful baby!", she looked at the ring and then at me. „You really went out of your way for that, didn't you?"

„And still it doesn't nearly show the love I have for you.", I smiled, kissed her hand, then her lips.
„You're not... second guessing, are you?", I asked.

„What? Where's that coming from? No baby, I'm not. I just said yes!", she instantly replied.
„I thought maybe that's why you threw up..
because you're scared or something.."
She got on top of me and smiled.
„I'm not scared. I'm not second guessing. I wanted this almost two decades ago and I want this more than anything else in the world now."

She leaned down to kiss me and I was relieved.

Then we cuddled and she fell asleep in my arms peacefully while I caressed her head.

I inhaled her scent deeply and smiled. I really am the luckiest man on earth.

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