59 - Going Home

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Jennifer's POV

Two days had passed and we were waiting patiently for the forms to be ready.
Emme and Max adapted to the situation very well. Sometimes they were sad and cried, because they missed their mom. Ben and I were there to comfort them and to help them get through this.

Benny had mailed me different options for their room and I picked one and gave instructions to do it, so it would be done when we were getting home. Which would hopefully be very soon.

My phone rang and it was Gabriela telling me everything was ready and we could pick it up today and leave.

„Ben!", I yelled after hanging up.
„Yes babe?"
„It's done. We can go home."

Ben's eyes widened. He walked towards me and picked me up. „Yes!"

I started crying and Emme and Max came to our side. „Why you crying?", Max asked me.
Ben gently put me down and I crouched down to them.
„Because I am so happy.", I said with a trembling voice.
„Why?", Emme asked.

I put my palms on their cheeks. „Today we can go home. All of us. And I can't wait to spend my days with you."

„I'll tell Benny to arrange permission for take of for later today.", Ben said.

I nodded and noticed that Emme and Max were wondering what that means.
„To get home, we have to travel by plane.",
I explained.

„By plane??", Max shouted excited.
„Yes.", I chuckled.
„Yes, by plane!", he started jumping.

We packed everything and drove off to their old hometown.

Gabriela was there and was happy to see the kids happy. She handed us a photo. It showed a beautiful woman with brown curls. She was smiling and standing in front of a building.

„That's their mom.", Gabriela explained.
I took the picture in my hands. „She's beautiful."
„She was, yes."
„I'll keep it for them.", I said and held the picture to my heart. I'm sure they will be happy to have that.

„Is that the only memory left?", I asked.
„Unfortunately, yes."

„Wow." It hurt me to know that their whole life practically vanished and all that was left, was a single picture. No sound of their moms voice, no clothing, no stuffed animals. Nothing.

„We'll take the best care of them.", I said to Gabriela as we hugged.
„I know.", she replied.

„Max, Emme, come and say goodbye to Gabriela.", I asked them.

„Adiòs Gabriela!", they said in unison.
„Adiòs niños.", she said with tears in her eyes.

And then we left toward the airport.

I looked at the papers and I saw that they just turned 3 the day before we arrived. It was like we were meant to find them.

We got to the airport and when we were finally done with checking in and walked to our private plane, Max went nuts about it.

„An airplane!! An airplane!! Look!!", he said while I was holding his little hand, walking towards the stairs.

I giggled. „It's our airplane, baby."

„Our airplane?", he repeated with big eyes.

„Yes. Jump in."

He let go of my hand and jumped inside. We showed him the cockpit and everything.

When we took off, Emme had a scared look on her face while Max was enjoying it to the fullest.

„It's okay sweetheart, it's just a little bumpy. It'll be over soon.", Ben comforted her.

They fell asleep on the plane and woke up when we landed.

I was excited to see their room. And to show them.

„Is that a hotel too?", Emme asked as we got inside.
„No, it's our house.", Ben replied.
„It's big.", she whispered.

„Wanna see your room?", I asked them.

„Yaay!", they shouted and we all ran to their door.
„Ready?", I asked them with my hand on the handle.

„Yes!", they said jumping up and down.

I opened the door and they walked inside, whispering „Woahh".

It was a big room with two beds standing on the left wall, so they wouldn't be too far away from each other. Besides that it had a green wall and a few plants as well as some toys and books. What was missing, is a personal touch but I would fix that in the upcoming days.

They enjoyed being in their room and Ben and I were standing by the door, watching them explore everything. Ben put one arm around me and kissed me on top of my head. Everything about this felt so right.

I gasped and grabbed Ben's arm. „The media! I'm sure there were pictures taken at the airport. We need to publish a statement!"

He smiled at me. „Already taken care of."

„Oh god.", I let my head fall on his chest. „You're the best."

„I know.", he replied and squeezed me to his side.

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