04 - firsts and lasts

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Jennifer's POV

With that „go" I crawled on top of her, kissing her hungrily.
She grabbed me by my shoulders and flipped us around so that she was on top.

Leah looked at me and smiled as I slowly wrapped my legs around her waist.
She bend down to kiss me on my lips, then she moved on to my cheek, my neck and my collarbone.

Her hands grabbed the end of my hoodie and pushed it upwards. I sat up and raised my arms so that she could pull it over my head. Leah threw my hoodie on the floor and looked at my boobs as I started to pull her hoodie up and over her head.
I cupped her breast and slowly kissed them, which made Leah shrug and moan as she grabbed my head and pulled it closer to her.

I layed down again, dragging her with me.
Every move we made was harmonious, respectful and loving. We clicked sexually just like we instantly clicked when we first met each other. To me it felt wonderful to be touched the way she does. She moved her hand down on my body and inside my pants.

I shrugged a little and she stopped moving, but didn't take her hand out of my pants.
„Is that okay?", she asked.
„Yeah", I said smiling softly. „Feels good.", I added almost whispering.

She kept going while looking into my eyes. When her hands slipped over my pussy, I closed my eyes, tilted my head back a little and moaned softly. With her hands down there, I suddenly noticed how wet I already was.
She took her hands out, but just to get rid of my pants and get back to where she was. I wrapped my bare legs around her hips again.

Leah leaned down to kiss my neck while she kept on sliding her hands up and down, spreading my wetness all over. Her lips moved up my face to merge with mine, as she thrusted two fingers inside of me. I whimpered in her mouth and she put her other hand on the side of my head. Sometimes she slid out of me to play with my clit and then back in.

Adrenaline rushed through my body, causing my breathing to get heavy and my heart to pump wildly in my chest. I grabbed her neck and ran my fingers through her hair.

Leah suddenly curled her fingers inside of me, my body arched in the maddening sensation she brought me and my nails dug into her neck, while I panted out „Leah!".

I pressed my eyes and lips together as I felt an earthshaking orgasm building up inside of me.
My legs started to shake and I squirmed under her, when she smashed her lips against mine. Her kiss send me off and I was hit by wave after wave of pure joy.

I screamed and groaned in pleasure as I dug my nails hard into her neck, trying to hold on to something that would keep me here with her.
The waves began to flatten and she helped me ride them out.

Slowly my heavy breathing got a little better and I released my hard grip on her. Leahs face rised up from being burried in my neck and we kissed again.

She pulled her fingers out of me and put them into her mouth, licking them clean.
„You taste good.", she smiled and kissed me softly, then she slid her tongue inside my mouth letting me have a taste.

I smiled and made her lay her head on my chest to play with her hair. I was exhausted and happy. I just had sex with my best friend. How crazy.

„That was kinda crazy.", I whispered.
„It was!", she replied. „I just made my best friend cum."
„Oh be quiet.", I giggled and playfully smacked her head.

„Let's got to bed, it must be late.", Leah suggested. We totally lost track of time and I had a busy day tomorrow.

Next morning I woke up next to Leahs' pretty, sleep-crumpled face.
It was 7, so I didn't have much time before I had to leave for a shooting and a meeting after.
„Mornin' sleeping beauty.", I said and poked her on her cheek with my finger.
„Nahh.", she mumbled and tried to hit my hand.
„I gotta take a shower, eat and leave, I have a busy day."
„I'm having an interview this evening, I think it's gonna be late.", she kept mumbling with her eyes closed.
„So see you tomorrow then?"
„Okay.", I pecked her cheek.
„Your good mood this early is annoying. Go away."
„Okay, grumpy-Lee", I said, jumping out of bed and into the bathroom.
I hit my toe on the doorframe while jumping and cursed: „Ah fuck!"
„That's what you get when you're a morning person.", Leah mumbled and added „You okay?"
„I'm fine.", I said rubbing my toe.

I showered, had a shake and left.
On the way to the location I checked my mails and my heart jumped when I read his name.
It's not like we haven't been in touch from time to time, but it's been a while.
I clicked on it and started reading.

„Hi Jen,
I hope you're doing good. I just wanted to let you know that I had an interview and I was asked about you so I raved a little about you, your work ethic and.. everything. Just so you know.

Ben was the one that got away and he'll always be. My shattered dream, the love of my life, my first real heartbreak.

I immediately replied.

„Hi Ben,
I'm okay. Are you good?
Thanks for doing that and for telling me,
I'm excited to read it."

It didn't take him long to respond.

„Okay? What's going on? You know I'm always here."

When we broke up we promised to each other, that we will still be there if one us is in need. And we always checked in on one another from time to time.

I typed:
„I broke the engagement with Alex. He's moving out."

We arrived at the location. The conversation wir Ben reminded me that Alex and I need to make an official statement for the public.

I can already see the headlines.
„Jennifer Lopez, didn't even make it to the altar this time."
„Jennifer Lopez, failed at love, AGAIN."

After the shooting I went to Bennys office for a meeting. When everyone left, I broke the news to him and we came up with an official statement that he send over to Alex for his approval.
„Are you okay?", he asked me.
I wasn't sure what to say. I felt okay, and I didn't.
„I'm holding up.", I said, trying to smile.
„You will be.", he hugged me.
„I know.", I whispered.

On my way home I checked my mails and there was one from Ben, again.

„I'm sorry to hear that. If you need anything, just reach out."

I didn't know what to say, to be honest.
It would be nice to see him again. We haven't met in a long time and since I'm single and I think he is as well, it wouldn't be weird or disrespectful to partners.

I decided to think about it later and locked my phone.

When I arrived at home I noticed the lights were still on and I knew, that Alex must still be there.

I thanked my driver, sighed and went inside.

„Hello?", I said loud to make sure he hears me.
„Hey.", his face appeared from inside the living room.
„What are you still doing here?", I said annoyed while placing my handbag on the kitchen island.
„I waited for you.", he walked towards me, but stood at a distance.

„You don't say. Why?"
„I read the statement. And it came clear to me, that this would mean the end of us."
„It is."
„I don't want it to be."
„Alex, you cheated on me in my fucking house basically right after you didn't fuck me.", I raised my voice.
„And I'm sorry, Jennifer!"
„But not only that", I continued. „I was telling you for weeks how I'm not happy, how I need more attention, more of you, of us. You cheating was just the straw that broke the camel's back, Alex. Seriously you have no idea, how much that hurts.", my voice cracked saying those last words.

I turned around trying to hold myself together and because I didn't want him to see me struggling. His hands touched my shoulders and he let them slide down on my arms, taking me into his embrace.

„No.", I said trying to get out. My attempt to hold it together failed miserably. Tears were floating and they didn't stop.
I squirmed in his embrace, crying.

„Shhh", he breathed into my ear.
„No", I kept sobbing and squirming in his embrace until all my strength left my body and I sank into his arms, sobbing as we both sank down on the kitchen floor.
„You ruined everything." I said to him.
„I'm so sorry.", he apologized again, but it didn't matter.
It's too painful to make this work ever again. And I think now he understood.

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