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"Dude what if we together?"

Jungkook choked on his smoothie as it got caught in his throat. He let out violent coughs putting his smoothie down. Couldn't believe what he had just heard from the other.

Taehyung stared wide-eyed at him, then shifted his eyes to the side, then back at the other who was still coughing. 

The two were currently in a smoothie place at the mall, getting weird looks from other customers nearby their table. Taehyung starting patting Jungkook hard on the back with his free hand, while taking long sips from his smoothie.

After Jungkook's coughing fit died down,  he cleared his throat, and spoke up. "What the fuck did you just say to me?" Jungkook glared at the other sat across from him.

"Chill, damn I don't mean it like in a 'we get married' type of shit ew." Taehyung scrunched his face up in disgust.

Jungkook rolled his eyes. Then?"

"Dude, we're YouTube partners aren't we? So many of em live together, and don't you remember in sixth grade we went on about how we'd move in together in the future?" Taehyung reminisced, dramatic tone in his voice. "I still stand by that, I think it'd be awesome to live with my best friend." Taehyung beamed.

"Hm I don't know about that." Jungkook said, a little uneasy about what Taehyung was suggesting.

Jungkook thought It was so random for Taehyung to all of sudden suggest they live under the same roof. A place for him, and Taehyung to stay, basically building a life together like-

Taehyung sighed deeply. "And on a more serious note, my mom says if imma continue making videos, that I should get my own place." Taehyung said, and ran his finger through his fringe. "But I'm not gonna live by myself! So that's where you come in. It'll be easier for the videos we make together, and the ones we make separate."

"Wow you're serious about this?" Jungkook asked, still a bit surprised. Still couldn't believe Taehyung was the one suggesting all this.

"You're not? Dude think about it, we get to have a whole place to our selves. Tae,  and Kook, we're like brothers!" Taehyung exclaimed.

"I still prefer the name Kook, and Tae." Jungkook commented, slightly pouting.

Taehyung shooed his hand. "What ever, so you in?"

Jungkook hummed pondering, finger on his chin, and sighed. "I'll have to see what my mom, and dad says but.." Jungkook bit on the side of his bottom lip, his teeth sliding back in.

"Tae, and Kook..brothers." Taehyung said with beady eyes.

"Okay let's do it." Jungkook picked himself up from his seat. "Like you said we're like brothers. Let's get a place together."

Taehyung gasped, standing on his feet.  "Yes bro! Tae, and Kook roommates! I love the sound of that!" Taehyung cheered, while Jungkook was looking at the other fondly.


"What's up! I'm Tae." Taehyung greeted as he smiled at the rolling camera.

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