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It was around 7: 34 pm, dark, as the wind blew through the chilly night. Taehyung, and Jungkook arrived outside Jimin's house as planned. Taehyung held his hand out about to knock on the garage door but suddenly Jungkook felt alerted, and exclaimed.


"Woah what." Taehyung stilled, and turned his head looking at him.

"We can't do this." Jungkook let out, arms crossed.

Taehyung fully turned towards Jungkook. "Why not."

"Why not? Dude we're gonna have cocaine on us in your car. It's too risky." Jungkook said, trembling a bit.

"Aw baby bunny, don't be scared." Taehyung said with a comforting tone.

"More like nervous." Jungkook pulled lightly on the string of his black hoodie. "Like what if we get stopped by-"

"Hey." Taehyung grabbed Jungkook's arms, and that made him silent. "Calm down. We're doing this for a very close  friend of ours. It's going to be fine. Let's just talk with Jimin, do the delivery, and then go back to our apartment, and have 'holy shit we didn't get stopped by the cops' sex."

Jungkook let out a giggle, lips curling to his famous bunny smile. "Sounds good to me." Jungkook made an imaginary circle on Taehyung's chest with his finger. "Hey um.. You think we could.. "

"Could what?"

"Share a good luck kiss." Jungkook said in a small voice, nervously looking down, while making the tips of his pointer fingers meet. Afraid Taehyung was gonna reject him, and start judging him.

But instead..

"Fucking cutie." Taehyung grinned, and brought Jungkook close, and pressed their lips together. Jungkook was surprised but then let his eyes flutter close, and matched with the way Taehyung was kissing him.

Jungkook has noticed that Taehyung lately has been different. When they're around other people, Taehyung is a big jerk to him. Like really rude, and disrespectful. Yet when alone with him, he acts soft, nice, and really just loveable. Like boyfriend material.

If only Taehyung could be like that all the time.

Jungkook pulled away from the kiss. "Let's get this shit over with." Jungkook said, with confidence.

Taehyung chuckled. "Hell yeah, besides, I'm sure it's only gonna be like two bags of the drug."


"So we've gotta deliver.. All that?"

"Yes Kook, All that." Jimin repeated, as he held the box which was filled with ten little baggies of cocaine.

Taehyung, and Jungkook leaned in to take a closer look in the box. Taehyung analyzed it, and crossed his arms. "Yup that's definitely crack right there."

Jimin put the box down on a table right behind him. "Oh, and can't forget." Jimin bent down, and grabbed a brown sac that was beside the table, and held it towards the two. "These."

Jungkook put his hand in the sac, and felt around it. He fell frozen when his hand met with something in it. He pulled his hand out, and was holding a black pistol."Oh my god." Jungkook just stared at it in shock.

Taehyung quickly pulled out another pistol from the sac. "Sweet." Taehyung stared at it, admirably.

"Okay no way, this is just way too extra. Are these shits even loaded?" Jungkook said. "Plus I don't even know how to work a fucking gun."

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