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What I'd like to know is why wp took down my book when there's thousands just as smutty like mine yet they're still up..


The news struck Taehyung so hard his legs felt wobbly, unable to support his weight anymore. He stumbled back and dropped on the bed. His eyes the widest they've ever been felt like they would pop out any second. His lips half parted, and couldn't respond, as his voice was lost.

What the fucks going on. Was he dreaming? He really believed he was. There's just no way. How could that be possible. How could his own father- no it was too much to process.

"Taehyung? You still there?" Beomgyu asked worriedly, after the long pause seemed to have startled him.

Taehyung closed his eyes for a moment and spoke up. "Th-There's no way that's true, quit playing around." He snapped slightly and heard his brother drop out a scoff from the other line.

"Come on!" Beomgyu exclaimed. "Why would I make something that serious up?!"

"I-I don't know!" Taehyung exclaimed back. "To mess with me! You loser!"

"You're the loser! Loser!"

"No you!"

"No you!"

"No- ok wait." Taehyung huffed, and took slow breaths. "Why are we even fighting."

"I don't know, you started it rude head." Although Taehyung couldn't see Beomgyu, he knew he was pouting.

"I'm sorry this was just all a sudden and-" Taehyung shaked his head. "I can't believe it- fuck this is insane." Taehyung breathed deep, bent pointer finger over his lip as he spoke. "W-Well where are they?"

"Downstairs in the living room." Beomgyu answered. "I've been in my room ever since.. the shouting started." He sighed out.

Taehyung could hear his brother moving off his bed, and his feet pat along the floor. "Look you wanna hear em? I'll put you on speaker mode."

"Wait Beomie no-" it was too late and Taehyung's eyes remained large as he could hear his mom screaming at his dad, and even caught glimpses of glass breaking. Sounded like a whole mess of a storm.

"Jenwoo just calm down!! Let's talk this out!!" Taehyung heard his father shout, which sent chills to gush down Taehyung's back.

"How could you tell me to calm down when you slept with a man!!" The woman was heard shouting back, mixed with sobs. "You disgraceful disgusting pig!! Get out of my life!!" Yet another glass object was heard hitting the ground.

"Ok! ok I've heard enough." Taehyung said, not wanting to hear more suffering in his mother's voice.

He couldn't find it in himself to believe how his father had hurt her. The way he had done it. This is the same man who'd yell at him, beat him, and give lectures about being straight and a gentleman to girls. How could this have happened.

"Wait where's Tannie?" Taehyung let out.

"Right here with me, poor baby is scared." Beomgyu closed his door to shut out the noise. "It's a mess over here, I hate it." The boy sat on the foot of his bed. "I just wanted a peaceful family dinner."

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