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"And believe it or not Jungkook, you are so handsome, honestly even hot. You're real smart, and you have such talents.  And to top it all off you're pretty famous on YouTube which is fuckin awesome, and your videos are real good, and dude you're a main character in this book that's lucky, and also you got a nice-"

"Okay dude! Enough!" Jungkook exclaimed annoyed, and stopped in his tracks right in front of some shop of the mall. He faced Mark tuan, crossing his arms against his chest, knowing he wanted something. "What do you want man."

Mark let a small laugh slip out. "What makes you think I want something."

"Seriously? You have never invited me to hangout, and you're being way too nice." Jungkook said. "So just spill."

Mark sighed, in defeat, and he brushed his hair back with his fingers. "Okay yeah I do want something." Mark confessed, and his gaze was serious all a sudden. "Your opinion."

This made Jungkook raise an eyebrow in question. Since Mark never quite asks for his help well sometimes on homework, so must be real important. "On?"

Mark pulled Jungkook aside to get out of the other peoples way that were strolling by. Mark reached into his backpack, and pulled out a small jewelry box. He showed it to Jungkook who didn't look that amused honestly.

"It's a box." Jungkook commented.

"Ah ah not just any box, check it." Mark replied, and lifted the top, off to reveal two rose gold plated name bracelets.


Jungkook's mouth fell into an 'o' shape, checking the bracelets out, actually liking them."Woah! man, those look cool-" then Jungkook paused, and realized after analyzing the bracelets. "Wait are those-"

"Yes sir." Mark cut him off. "My name, and Jackson's."

"Wow, shut up." Now Jungkook was intrigued, lips slightly apart from the real unexpected surprise,. "Wait hol up." Jungkook pointed a finger at Mark, and accused. "You got a thing for him."

Mark grinned, and nodded. "Yeah I do, well for the longest time. And before you ask. Yeah duh I'm gay."

Jungkook didn't know how to respond.

From being so shocked.

Like what was going on with guys coming out now. He was actually thinking that what if his theory is true about all the guys in the school really are gay.

"Well hey that's cool, and those bracelets are real sweet." Jungkook spoke.

"You think Jackson will like em? I'm honestly afraid he's gonna judge me, and start talking shit." Mark frowned, and put the top back on the box.

"Nah man, he's gonna like em don't worry." Jungkook said to comfort the boy. "Im sure he won't mind wearing a bracelet with your name, you know why? Cause it's cute. Some cute shit right there." Jungkook winked.

Now Mark was smiling, all worries swept away thanks to Jungkook's words."Thanks man, damn I feel more confident bout showing him now."

"As you should my good friend."

"Hey thanks again, and yeah imma show him tomorrow, after school." Mark decided.

Then Jungkook blinked in surprise, after having suddenly spotted someone very familiar up ahead. "Or you could show him right now."

"Huh?" Mark turned around, and saw Jackson coming their way, chatting with Namjoon.

Mark gasped, and quickly put the box in his bag. "No no no I'm not ready! Not right now!" Mark panicked, and ran past Jungkook.

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